Victims (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 34)

Sep 17, 2009 22:19

Title: Victims (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 34)
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Previous Chapters
Rating: PG13
Summary: Teddy, HC, and Victoire face the music
Notes: I own these characters. The others belong to JK Rowling.

Victims (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 34) )

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Comments 4

mollywheezy September 18 2009, 13:22:34 UTC
Wow. Great chapter!

Ginny's situation is heartbreaking.

I think my favorite part of the chapter was Harry's conversation with Teddy, especially Harry's coming to understand how Molly felt about the Horcrux hunt.

Once again, I love HC. You have created a very realistic, multi-faceted character in her. And having to meet with Victoire . . . *hugs HC*

Excellent writing! :D


mickawber September 20 2009, 14:01:52 UTC
These two mirrored scenes are both working wonderfully on so many levels. Obviously, you've shown us all three sides of the Victoire/Teddy/HC mess-Caroline's brittleness at the beginning and turmoil once Victoire finally raises the issue directly is just right.

I'm so glad that you showed us Ginny's adaptation to her new state-it was all very Ginny. Glad too that you didn't make any of it easy.

And of course, the Stymphalians are coming!

(I have visions of Hermione going on Muggle TV and delivering a lecture about the proper methods of dealing with monsters...)


madderbrad September 22 2009, 03:31:07 UTC
Ooh boy. "The Stymphalians are coming". I dearly DEARLY want to read a scene where those Oligarchy b--tards get taken down hard in their pride and arrogance, or at least defeated.


Victoire got off easy. I know you're taking pains to make both Teddy and Victoire equally culpable, so I can't put all the blame on 'scarlet woman' Victoire, but please - "I love him"? Not good enough, Victoire. I'm sorry that your load of guilt was lessened in your self-indulgent little confession.


sarcastrow September 25 2009, 19:35:11 UTC
Call me a hopeless romantic but HC and Teddy could still have a happy ending. The example is both my brother and I. He has just married his high school girlfriend, the girl he went to the prom with, his first and deepest love. They broke up after a similar incident, and spent the whole of the intervening 40 years looking for a version of each other in other people. Two years ago they came back together through; well we like to call it the force. It runs strong in my family. They are living the dream and more in love than they could imagine.

I met my wife the first day of seventh grade. We were friends, much like HC and Ted, and didn’t date until after high school. We broke up for a few months for exactly the same reason as Ted and HC (She was having trouble deciding between me and another old friend. Funny bit here, years later he turned out to be gay.) We came back together and have never parted since. Married 28 years this month.


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