What Did The Five Fingers Say To The Face?

Sep 29, 2006 15:49


Okay, so CJ tagged me.  It's on like Donkey Gong.

That's Donkey Kong's brother, the one with the head cold?

1. Last movie you saw in the theater, and current release you still want to see:

The last movie I saw in a theatre, technically, was X3.  Third viewing of it, in a cheap theatre.  And as you can tell by my five freaking volumes of fanfiction associated with it, I liked it because it had those mutant fight scenes that people were screaming for in the first two.

If you're talking a viewing in a real, honest-to-god theatre, it was probably Snakes on a Plane.  Which was, you know, about snakes on a plane.

A movie that's currently out that I want to see...  well, lately I've been in a "watch people get kicked in the face" mood, so I REALLY want to see Let Li's Fearless and Tony Jaa's The Protector.  Also can't wait for The Prestige and The Departed.

2. Last movie you rented or purchased for home viewing:

Well, I borrowed Steamboy, a Victorian-era sci-fi anime from Akira's Katsuhiro Otomo, from the library last weekend, but I haven't watched it yet, so I don't know if that counts.

Last movie I rented and watched was Seven Samurai, also from the library.  My first Akira Toriyama flick, and on every critic's Top Twenty of All Time list, it's just a fantastic film, one you can watch and see as the basis of the action movie formula for years to come.

3. A movie that made you laugh out loud:

We're talking "a movie" in general, and not "the last movie", right?  Anchorman broke my face.

4. A movie that made you cry:

It's been a long time since I've all out cried during a movie.  But I get misty every now and then.

Well, when I was a kid, I cried when Optimus Prime died in Transformers:  The Movie.  How's that?

5. Movie critics loved but you were unimpressed by:

There's Something About Mary.  Dumb & Dumber is still one of my favorite comedies, but the Farrelly's have just been shooting blanks ever since.  I only laughed once during the entire movie, the movie that was getting good reviews and fantastic word-of-mouth.  It was just dumb, angry humor that made fun of pretty much everyone you don't want to see made fun of.

6. A movie you thought was better than the critics said it was:


*runs and hides in a corner*

Oh, come on.  It was one of the cooler ensemble casts I'd ever seen, there was quite a bit of humor in it, Liv Tyler makes you misty at the end.  Even a lot of the stuff people complained about logistically I had no problem with.

Gatling gun on the land rover?  You saw what it was there for when they blew a hole in the ship to escape.  It wasn't there to shoot at roving aliens, it was there to clear obstructions a lot faster than a couple guys in space suits could ever move it out of the way.

In the meantime, you had Steve Buscemi.  Billy Bob Thornton.  Owen Wilson & Michael Clarke Duncan before they were big.  A couple under-rated actors in Peter Stormare and Will Patton.  Jason "Lucius Malfoy" Isaacs.  Bruce Willis is always fun to watch.

With a cast like that, who cares if Affleck sucks?

Another one is Mystery Men, but I won't jump on that it.


7. Favorite animated movie:

Okay, so you're asking the anime-nerd, Cartoon-Network-watching, Transformers-collecting, Disney-soundtrack owning guy what his favorite animated movie is.


I can give you a few.

Final Fantasy:  Advent Children is a CG-animated feast for action lovers.

Mulan is a great Disney animated flick, the first that didn't rely on music to carry it.

The Little Mermaid was a great film to get Disney back to its rightful place as king of the animated universe after the era of The Rescuers and Oliver & Company...

But Beauty & The Beast is the best of the Big Four, especially after I found out Jerry Orbach played Lumiere.

Emperor's New Groove and Lilo & Stitch are both funnier than they have any right to be.

And Akira is Akira.  It has my online name-sake, for the love of...

8. Favorite Disney Villian:

Maleficent, cuz she can turns into a giant black-and-purple dragon, which was possibly the coolest thing to ever be in a Disney movie.

9. Favorite Movie Musical:

Tough one, cuz I have been in a lot of musicals, but I don't watch many of them on film.

Either Fiddler On The Roof, RENT, or Guys & Dolls for the unintentional comedy of allowing Marlon Brando to sing.

10. 5 Favorite movies of all time:

Oh, don't do this!  Argh!!!

Okay, let's toss out a few of my tops:

Pulp Fiction
Lost In Translation
12 Angry Men
Inherit The Wind
The Two Towers
Superman Begins
Boogie Nights
The Professional
Drunken Master Ii
Dumb & Dumber


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