New Mutants: Volume IV

Sep 25, 2006 22:43

Title:  The New Mutants, Volume IV: Party Time
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fanfic, xmen, newmutants

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Comments 8

doranwen August 1 2007, 17:44:47 UTC
I really like this so far--just spotted it on xmmff. You had a lot of the same ideas I've got on things, like about how big the school actually was, how it worked, etc. (except my fic that I'm working on occasionally is actually a post-X2 fic, ignoring X3 altogether--it annoyed me so).

Just thought I oughta let you know, though--the link to the next chapter just leads back here, so there's no way to jump easily to the next one.

Awesome fic, I'm going to enjoy the rest of it, I know. :D


kanedax August 1 2007, 17:49:35 UTC
Thank you very much for pointing that out. There's a chance that might happen again, but if it does just head to the top of my page. There's a link to my fanfiction page, and the links to each individual chapter are there.

And thanks for reading!!!!


doranwen August 2 2007, 07:44:15 UTC
Oh, I just went to your archive for that month, scanned the titles till I saw the next installment, and jumped back on the story chain. It was a blast reading! I finally finished the second series of it tonight--and you kill off too many characters. *whines* I was warned, but still, ouch! *g* I *liked* some of 'em.

So yeah, the more I read the more I decided I did *not* agree with you on everything--but it was still an amazing read, seriously. Well-written, well-planned out, with believeable characters (you fleshed out comic chars outstandingly) and a touch of romance amidst a lot of drama/adventure. Terrific ride, thanks for writing it and sharing for people to read!


kanedax August 2 2007, 12:57:43 UTC
Well, yeah, I figured not everyone would agree with everything that I wrote, but, hey, that's literature for ya. Heck, look at the epilogue for Deathly Hallows, that's split everyone down the middle.

Thanks for reading!


dutchxfan August 2 2007, 21:44:53 UTC
Have to stop here. Bed time. I hope to read on tomorrow. It's highly entertaining if you ask me. Yay!


kanedax August 2 2007, 23:33:30 UTC
Oh, wow, you really ARE Dutch! lol Your English is really good, btw. ;)


dutchxfan August 4 2007, 11:22:09 UTC
What's so 'wow' about that? *lol* Yes, I am. And thanks for the compliment. I paid attention in English Class ;)


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