Title: Eleven Winter Days (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 22)
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Previous Chapters
Rating: NC17 for language and sexual content
Summary: What gifts did you get over the holidays?
Notes: *prepares for fan onslaught*
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Comments 10
i'm very interested to see where this Next business is going and how/if Victoire and Meghan play a role. I've lost track, how many more chapters in this chunk?
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I'm a big-time fan of man's intellect ruling his emotions ... restraining the bad emotions at least. Of proper relationships being so much more than physical attraction/lust. That's a secondary reason for why I dislike Rowling's canon OBHWF relationships (although not one of the primary ones). I was really hoping that Teddy would be faithful to HC, even while he works things out. Damn.
You did it well; I was quite startled when I came upon that scene. HC's pondering about Ted's slightly off responses at the Burrow had me concerned, but I thought Ted was just worried about his being (only) 'mentally unfaithful' to his wife. Only to come upon that scene later. Damn.
I thought there was a chance that the Oligarchy were good guys - well, anti-heroic good guys, given that they've killed - set up to combat a menace to all mankind, I dunno. But this "The few shall rule the many" thing puts paid to that ( ... )
I'm glad we have the sweet fluffiness of Meghan and Scorpius to balance out all the angst. They are adorable. :)
Luna's journal is heartwrenching and very well-done. I really want her and Charlie both to get well and get together officially. I'm thinking Luna may be the one as well to give clues to the aurors through her lucid moments. Keeping reading . . .
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