Book-Like Updates

Mar 25, 2009 09:04

You know, it's been a while since I've talked about what I've been reading. So here we go:

- Henry Hastings Sibley: Divided Heart: A biography on the first governor of Minnesota. Really interesting stuff, if not a little flowery at times for a straight biography. Then I saw the picture of the author, who looked like Your Grandma, and it made a little more sense.

I like to do that sometimes, though: Just head to the library's biography section and grab a book at random. I had also pulled a book about Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the original designer of Washington, DC, but never got around to it.

Anyway, Sibley started as a fur trader, and was a general, governor, congressman, treaty-writer... big life, there. The book itself was a little skippy. Jumped around the timeline a bit, and that was a little distracting.

- Needful Things: A re-read, but the initial read was so long ago that I barely remembered any of it. Still a good read, though. I know some people don't like Stephen King because his stories get too bloated: Too many characters, too many subplots. But that's what I dig about him. He'll write three pages of backstory for a character who you will never see again. I LOVE that!

- Ivan the Terrible: Creepy book, creepy history, creepy time period, but very well-written.

- Good Omens: I borrowed it from my friend over a year ago, losing it, and rebuying it, I FINALLY finished yet yesterday!

Fun book. The climax kinda left me a bit muddled, but I think a second read might let me get it a little better. Fun stuff otherwise, though.

I just wish I could get into Pratchett more. I read the first few chapters of The Colour of Magic, and I just couldn't hook me.

- Just started Bourne Identity this morning. I'm gonna see how long I stay with it, though. Ten pages in and I'm already annoyed by Ludlum's descriptive style. Really poetic stuff, which just doesn't feel right within the genre.


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