The Opposite of Fun

Nov 29, 2008 08:27

The Office season 1
Boom Blox (raincheck)
Sweeney Todd
3:10 to Yuma
Sleeping Beauty
Virgin Mobile phone

Plus two movies from the martial arts movie cart at the MOA: Drunken Master II and Ong Bak, 2 for $20.

Yes, there is a cart at the Mall of America devoted exclusively to Asian Kung Fu movies.

Took my first wander around the new Nickelodeon park at the MOA.  Not bad, but still a little jarring as they're trying their best to get rid of the North Woods design of Camp Snoopy, but still haven't completely accomplished it yet.  Lots of bright, colorful buildings with log cabins jammed between them.

niteflite would have an orgasm, they had Avatar toys, stuffed animals, christmas ornaments, t-shirts.  The Avatar ride itself didn't look that great, I was more impressed by the Spongebob and Danny Phantom rides.

Ate food court chinese, then came back downtown and drove home after brief stops at TRU and Best Buy.

And that's when things started going wrong.

Horribly wrong.

About halfway to TRU I started feeling a little queasy.  By the time I got out of Best Buy I was afraid to open my mouth to talk as my nausea was really, REALLY bad.  Barely made it to the bathroom when I got home and began a four-hour marathon of puke, diarrhea, and trying to fall asleep.  From 10 pm to 2 am I'd get up every fifteen minutes to half hour and regurgitate either my dinner, the water that I had tried to drink after coming home, or absolutely nothing, which was the worst of all.  Meanwhile I had to change my boxers three times because every time a particularly hard squeeze would come I'd shoot brown water out the backside.

2 am I eventually was able to fall asleep, sweating, shivering, and moaning.  Lord, quite honestly the worst sick night I've had in...  God, ever?  Was it the food court Chinese, mono-related dehydration from not bringing a water bottle with me to the Mall, or some other stuff?  Take your bloody pick.  Just remind me not to do it again.

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