Title: Muggle Wedding (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 3)
kanedaxSpoilers: After the Flaw; previous chapters
Rating: PG13 for language
Summary: Muggle weddings can be such a hassle
Notes: I own
these characters. The others belong to JK Rowling.
Muggle Wedding (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 3) )
Comments 6
Aside: This fragment doesn't make sense "including Arthur and Molly (Ginny, a Muggle Studies student at Hogwarts, had done her best to dress the Weasley grandparents in Muggle formalwear, and they both turned out passable)." Do you mean Lily in the parentheses?
I might go back and fix it, we shall see.
And of course I loved the reconciliation between the two sisters. I really thought that, when Caroline started her "[i]without you I wouldn't even be here right now[/i]" speech, she'd include the fact that Jean was the only/big reason why Teddy had thought things out and proposed in the first place.
Otherwise a nice full chapter, lots of little details that were a pleasure to note while we were waiting for the bride. Great stuff.
Very beautiful scene between Hermione and Caroline. Makes me want to call up my sister and... wait a sec, I see my sister almost every day and I'm picking her up tonight after work. Good sister = me...check! :)
I'm wondering about Victoire, does she get a man in her future? I know you won't tell me, I'll just go read some more!
"alcoholic Uncle Lars"
"I would never have been born if it weren't for you, and how many sisters can say that without sounding completely creepy?"
Very good job of integrating Muggle and wizarding elements and showing the difficulty, but also the humor in the situation. :)
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