Antaeus (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 2)

Oct 30, 2008 11:36

Title: Antaeus (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 2)
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: After the Flaw, Previous Chapters
Rating: PG-15 for language and Cruciatus
Summary: A shadowy rendezvous leads to sinister doings...
Notes: Chapter two, and things get thicker. The card game mentioned in the chapter is loosely based on Stephen King's Dark Tower creation of the ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, atf2, aftertheflaw

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Comments 17

cactus_wren October 30 2008, 19:31:25 UTC
I'm hooked! Can't wait to find out who/what the Oligarchy is.


kanedax October 30 2008, 19:33:32 UTC
Well, it's gonna take a while. More than a few chapters are planned before I delve into them.


(The comment has been removed)

kanedax November 1 2008, 14:58:08 UTC
heh well, these are also the first chapters that I haven't x-posted to any communities, so right now it's just people who are still reading me on their flist after 10 months without new chapters.


loonie October 31 2008, 22:59:30 UTC
*leaves a comment* haha, I saw your other post about not being sure who's read this chapter.

We definitely aren't in the normal everyday lives of AtF1 anymore. I'm not sure if this would be the type of story better read all at once. Not to say that I don't love the updates, but this chapter for example moves slowly and is tough to follow out of context. With AtF1, it was pretty light and easy to follow on a single chapter basis. Seems like AtF2 is one big plot for the whole series, which I look forward to reading. As much as it pains me to suggest it, perhaps waiting til it's all written to post, then posting a chapter a day? Or at least a larger block of completed chapters at once? Don't worry though, I'll keep reading either way.


kanedax November 1 2008, 14:48:07 UTC
That's definitely something that's been weighing heavily on my mind even before I started writing this story: Do I want to post all at once, or post as I go?

I think the next chapter I'll post by itself, as it's fairly self-contained, post 1-3 on the Potter communities, and then hold off until I get everything else written. just hope everyone doesn't mind waiting a few months...

But you never know, I tend to change my mind a lot. ;)


lionquidditch November 1 2008, 02:20:58 UTC
FINALLY had a chance to read this chapter and I am really enjoying this so far. Like everyone else, I am wondering who the Oligarchy are.


kanedax November 1 2008, 14:46:13 UTC
Good, good. That's a start. My fear, like most people who write the plot-twist type stories, is that I'll accidentally say too much in one chapter and people will have it figured out before I'm ready to let er rip.


lionquidditch November 1 2008, 15:02:53 UTC
I don't think you have said to much so far. I will say, I can definitely sense a Greek theme doing on with the Stymphalian birds from Chapter One and just term "Oligarchy" going back to Aristotle. I think the lead in has been pretty good so far. I am enjoying it.


madderbrad November 4 2008, 03:48:37 UTC
Good chapter. I liked the twist of having us think it was a meeting of a cabal of bad guys ... only to discover that it was just a game of cards. But then you turned it sinister again ...

I picked up on the signs of Teddy's masquerade but didn't have a clue that it was Teddy himself, of course.

Pansy's viciousness took me by surprise ... I didn't realise that she might be such a danger to the good guys.

Wondering now if there was anything at all to Rosen's plan or if the threat was fabricated and I can relax ... :D


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