Title: Carpathian Gorynych (After the Flaw: Oligarchy, Chapter 1)
After the FlawRating: PG-15 for language, disturbing images, and Luna Lovegood
Summary: An ancient threat emerges
Notes: Surprise! Welcome back! I give you chapter one in After the Flaw 2, now known
as After the Flaw: Oligarchy. Later chapters will be coming,
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Comments 25
Now if you can work Viktor Krum and some Bulgarian folk music into this, and maybe some ballet...
Good job, first comment. ;)
Hopefully people are enjoying the recurring theme.
As I stated at the top, its going to be a few more weeks, minimum, before I post the second chapter. I still have a lot of breakdown, a lot of layout, to get through before I'm ready to get right into it.
But I knew what this chapter was going to be, I knew what was going to happen and who was going to be in it, so I figured what the hell?
Thanks for readin! ;)
This is the sequel where the OBHWF couples all divorce and certain other unions take place, right? ;-)
(As long as Teddy and H.C. stay together, please)
I loved your Luna in your first novel, but in this chapter she came over as too much a "Mister Spock" for me. It would have been nice to see her display *some* sort of emotion ... silvery protuberant eyes misting over with concern/dismay, something to stop me from thinking she is a Vulcan/robot.
I also didn't like Luna's calling Charlie by his first name - albeit its formal version - but Charlie calling her 'Lovegood'. Ugh. Maybe you intended that response.
A fun and intriguing read!
She's probably the toughest write, and putting her in a different situation, like this one, might make her come across as one side of the fence or the other. I did give her a mild reaction to the discovery of one of her legendary species, which doesn't happen very often, but, yeah, it's possible that she may come off as too cold in some situations. But that's Luna for ya.
I just figure she's a character that people would know by now, so I don't have to continuously repeat "she said dreamily," or whatever.
Honestly, the way I read her she always showed the same level of emotion in the actual series as she did in my stories. I guess it just sounds fine in my head, because to me everything she says sounds like she's talking about tomorrow's weather forecast, whether it be a heart-to-heart romantic talk or in the heat of battle.Given my wholehearted agreement with your thinking I can't help but agree with your portrayal of her ( ... )
But, yeah, it would take a LOT to rattle her, is the thing. Looking at how she reacted in OotP during her capture by the Inquisition Squad and at the Department of Mysteries was fairly calm, and even when she was being held hostage by the Malfoys she was still... I dunno...
But, yeah, there's definitely potential to see SOME emotion, but it'd take a lot to do it.
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