Title: Never Again (Portal, Chapter 5, 2/2)
Author: kanedax
Fandom: BtVS Wishverse, pre-season 1
Spoilers: Buffy: The Origin comic book miniseries
Characters: Buffy, Merrick, Pike
Rating: R for language
Summary: As Wishverse Buffy prepares to battle her first Big Bad, things get worse.
Notes: Some question may come up about the financial status of Hank
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Comments 5
I'm enjoying this so much. Perhaps it's mostly because of Pike. Oh, there's going to be so much hurt when they meet back up.
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FWI, what's The Herald?
And there's definitely more coming. I kinda fizzled out on this one a few weeks back, but after writing this chapter I started getting brainstorm after brainstorm. So, yeah, keep your eyes open, and feel free to friend me if you want the updates before they show up on the community!
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