Twelve and a Half Years Later: Boxing Day

Nov 25, 2007 12:54

Title: Twelve and a Half Years Later: Boxing Day
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows & Previous Chapters
Characters/Pairings: George, Ron, Bill/Fleur, Victoire, Fred, Matilda (OC)
Rating: PG-13 for swears in multiple languages
Word count: 3,888 words
Summary: George and Ron have an idea
Notes: I own these characters. The rest belong to JK Rowling.

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potter, fanfic, aftertheflaw

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kanedax November 26 2007, 15:02:22 UTC
I don't know many people who are foreign initially, but I can definitely see them slipping back into their foreign language when their frazzled.


lionquidditch November 25 2007, 23:30:19 UTC
Very nice chapter, I like Ron's willingness to be a Mr. Mom to let Hermione live her dreams. I also like the prospect of Hermione as Minister of Mgaic, you could have a lot of fun with that.


kanedax November 26 2007, 15:01:35 UTC
It was an idea he had at least as far back as when Rose was born. I just realized that, shit, I still hadn't resolved it.


bibliophile20 November 26 2007, 00:02:00 UTC
I noticed that you stole a Firefly quote in there... Nice. :)

Excellent chapter!


kanedax November 26 2007, 15:00:45 UTC
lol Yeah, I took an English translation of a Chinese phrase and then re-translated it into French.

Joss Whedon is my master.


bibliophile20 November 26 2007, 15:21:41 UTC
Do you have this shirt then? :)

And were you surprised that I noticed that? ^_^


kanedax November 26 2007, 15:28:29 UTC
Well, I figured someone out there would speak French, or someone out there would have used Babelfish and have watched the Firefly commentary. Cuz it's such a great damn line. I actually used the German version in my X-Men fic.

And I've seen the shirt. Don't have it, though. Me and t-shirts aren't happening as much anymore.


alohachary1851 November 26 2007, 00:44:09 UTC
Big win to naming Percy's kids Gideon and Fabian. I've been writing about their namesakes all weekend.


kanedax November 26 2007, 14:59:57 UTC
I was initially planning to make one of them into Hugo's middle name, but I eventually just gave them both to Percy. Gotta get the theme going, you know?


loonie November 26 2007, 03:01:18 UTC
Excellent characterization in this one. Love that George smelled little Fred's breath to check which kinds of candy. haha. And Ron, oh so proud of Hermione and her potentially being Minister. :) As always, another great chapter.


kanedax November 26 2007, 14:59:04 UTC
Hey, he had to EVENTUALLY be proud of the fact that his wife's a know-it-all. ;)


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