Title: Eight Years Later: Your Last Chance
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows & Previous Chapters
Rating: R for language and religious themes
Characters: Dudley, Vernon, Molly
Summary: Vernon makes a decision
Notes/Disclaimer: I don’t want this chapter to be a metaphor. I don’t want it to be any sort of stance on the religious right’s attitudes
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Comments 38
Oh, you made me curious for the next chapters!!! :D. And it was really a surprise for me to read that Vernon actually had known the fact of wizarding world for such a long time! :D
This still isn't the farthest I've ever seen it taken. One series actually had the Dursleys related to Slughorn.
Hm, I forgot what chapter it was? Can you point me to that one?
I thought that Vernon hate magics just because he is proud to be what he called 'normal' people. *lol*
I think he hates magics because he's proud of being normal, sure. But I think his definition of "normal" feels like it's too deeply rooted to be simply a matter of not liking his sister-in-law.
...to himself for not the first time... (1st paragraph) should be:
...to himself, not for the first time...
This was a rather disturbing chapter. I've adored all other chapters before this, because everything seemed so nicely in-character. This, however, feels dangerously OOC. Like a parody of zealots. Vernon Dursley seems, to me, to be more the type to simply leave everything behind and pretend that it never existed, that he'd never been married, never had a son. And if he went off the deep end, he certainly wouldn't do it in this manner--not to mention that he's a bit too large to sneak properly.
As I said, I've been following this since its inception. I think it's one of the best post-DH stories out there. This chapter just feels like, "Which of these things is not like the other?" compared to the rest of the story.
"I’m vice-president of the company now, and I could easily fire someone and give you a fantastic job with…”
That was so Vernon...good line.
Hmmm...I wonder what Dudley would have thought if Benjie was one of the others? Would be contaminated by blood? Benjie was conviently the good guy. Just wondering.
In a way it might have been easier, actually, if Benjy had been a Death Eater. That way it might have been simpler to accept his father's view of the wizarding world if the only other wizard he had known besides the Potters was a truly evil character.
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