Summer Surprises

Aug 21, 2007 21:11

But not necessarily, you know, in a good way.

I suppose it could be, but it could also be a very, VERY bad thing.

First off, pretty new icon.  Thanks
luckystar37.  I've been wanting a TF Movie icon for a while, and this one's just awesome.

When Spider-Man 3 and Pirates 3 made more money than Transformers, the last thing that I expected was to see their toys on clearance shelves while the new Transformers movie toys would be...  you know...  FUCKING GONE FROM EVERYWHERE EVER.

I don't know if it's like this in other parts of the country, but if you go to your nearest Target, or Toys R Us, or Walmart, or whatever, you will see rows upon rows of empty pegs where Transformer movie figures should be.

The optimist says that kids have found a new toy.  The pessimist says that the scalpers are out in full force.  In reality, it's probably a little of column A, a little of column B.

While we collectors found a plethora, a surplus, of every movie toy before the July 4th release date, we've been scrounging in the last month or so, wondering if the new toys that we so desire (mostly Arcee and the 2008 Camaro Bumblebee) even exist.  Because we haven't been able to find them anywhere.

I got lucky tonight.  I found one that I've kinda wanted.  And, in this time of collecting irritation, it's pretty much any port in a storm.



He's a figure based off of the Transformers Movie video game.  Pretty much every figure coming out from this point on will either be repaints of the movie figures (G1 Jazz, G1 Starscream, Cliffjumper, etc) or characters either designed with the game in mind or designed just from the style of the movie, like Arcee.

Payload has a lot going for him.  First time I've ever seen an armored security truck as a Transformer.  And he's got some really creative uses for some of the parts, just like we've seen in most of the other movie figures.  And his head has this kickass Shockwave kind of feel to it.



His action feature is a big ugly claw that comes out of the front.  And because it comes out of the front, and extends for maybe four or five inches, it forces him to have a four or five inch plastic thing sticking out of his back.  Which is quite possibly the ugliest thing I've ever seen on a Transformer toy.

Plus his head comes off if you touch it the wrong way.  NEVER had that happen with a Transformer before.

Someone please please PLEASE find me a Bumblebee or Arcee?  PLEASE?  I'm dying out here.

Be a friend.  Punch a scalper.

For those yearning for more story, it's coming.  But the more I sat down to think about it, the more I realized that I have some decisions to make about my characters.  Mostly what to do with them now.  I mean, yeah, basic ideas I have down okay.  But the World Tour is over.  It's time to shove them into the "Real World," or as real as the wizarding world can get.

So I have to start deciding on careers for them.  The easy way, and what's feeling like the way to go, would be to listen to Rowling's interviews.  I might not agree with what she says sometimes, but I haven't been able to figure out many other options yet.

Time will tell, though.  I'm gonna take a few days to whip some notes together.  The next chapter isn't going to rely on my decisions quite so heavily, thankfully.  It's...  touching back to Scrubbing Bubbles-style writing, actually.  If you know what I mean...

But after that, we'll see...


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