Seventeen Months Later: The Last Straw

Aug 19, 2007 12:30

Title: Seventeen Months Later: The Last Straw
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows
Rating: R for language and suggested nudity

Characters/Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Neville, Luna, Dean, Seamus
Summary: Outside of Cusco, Peru, Hermione confronts Ron, and a decision is made

Not every chapter that I’ve written for this story has been ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, aftertheflaw

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Comments 37

lord_gorthaur August 19 2007, 20:31:28 UTC
All I have to say is...hurry up with the next chapter :)

Ron's going to tell her what really happened with the horcrux isn't he...the loveable little dork ;) When even uptight Percy took it in stride, Ron really ought to get over his overprotective streak soon.

And to be honest, I don't think Molly would throw a fit if Ginny would come home all knocked up. Surprised, yes. Giving them one stern talking to for not being more careful, yes. After that...well, she'd be busy preparing their wedding, a baby-shower and being delighted in becoming a grandmother...


kanedax August 19 2007, 21:30:55 UTC
I honestly don't even know how Molly WOULD react if that were to happen. Right now it's just a matter of perception in Ron's mind. He saw her when they were caught with the car, saw her when she found out about the twins' business and about Arthur's questionable medical decisions. He thinks that she'd blow her top, and that's all that really matters in the end.

Next chapter's being plotted out now. I'll probably start it tonight, but I don't know if it will be done before tomorrow.


anonymous August 19 2007, 20:40:44 UTC
Great job!!! Hurry i'm itching for more!


kanedax August 19 2007, 21:31:29 UTC
I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying! Next chapter's being plotted now, should be started tonight.


vikingprincess August 19 2007, 21:33:03 UTC
ahh, poor darlings! *smacks Ron a bit*


kanedax August 19 2007, 23:28:25 UTC
Hey, Ron's been a bit of a berk about Ginny since HBP. I'm just finally making him answer for it.


vikingprincess August 19 2007, 23:32:02 UTC
oh yes, well-deserved! LOL


makeroftomorrow August 19 2007, 21:35:37 UTC
Holy...freaking...cow... I'm speechless, for the most part, entirely speechless. I'm not really sure what to comment on or where to begin. I'm not sure what to compliment or where. I'm shocked. I'm amazed. I'm a bit heartbroken. You captured, I think, literally every essential emotion to a situation like the one you wrote. Ginny's anger, Harry's confusion and lose, Ron's stupidity, and Hermione's Rage into tears. I think she knows he's lying, personally. I think she knows that he wasn't telling the truth ( ... )


kanedax August 19 2007, 23:35:15 UTC
Phht, like I'm going to stop at Nineteen Years. ;)

Plotting is happening, I promise. It'll all turn out in the end. Heck we already KNOW how it ends.


makeroftomorrow August 20 2007, 02:56:28 UTC
Touché. I suppose that we do know how it turns out. But it still interests me to see you portray a breakup between the two before everything becomes all happy at the end. I'm still very amazed at it all, Kanedex. It's truly impressive work. *just got done reading it a second time.*

Good to hear plotting it happening though. You don't want an angry mob outside your work or home demanding you to write, right? *evil ninja* I'd do anything. Question...though...if you aren't stopping at Nineteen Years, then are you going to handle their children as well?


cactus_wren August 19 2007, 23:08:25 UTC
Fabulous! Can't wait to see what happens next!


kanedax August 19 2007, 23:27:41 UTC
Well, we all KNOW what happens next. I'm not straying from canon if I can help it.

How we get there, though... that's the interesting part. ;)


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