The After The Flaw Sequence & AtF: Oligarchy

Aug 08, 2007 20:52

I'm adding this post so I can link back to it later, thus making my life SO much easier.

After The Flaw Links, Consolidated and Isolated )

potter, fanfic, atf2, aftertheflaw

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Comments 35

bibliophile20 January 23 2008, 15:39:03 UTC
Question: would you be interested in making one large .doc or .pdf of all of the ATF chapters put together?


kanedax January 23 2008, 15:49:46 UTC
lol possibly... it's a frightening prospect, but I think I could toss one together. Have something in mind?


bibliophile20 January 23 2008, 15:58:06 UTC
Well, for my friend and mentor Matt, his best two stories have been converted to pdf and uploaded by popular request, so I know that there's interest in such things, for backup purposes if nothing else.

(P.S. I highly recommend Nightmares of Futures Past and Team 8 ^_^ )


kanedax January 23 2008, 16:09:47 UTC
Yeah, I'll see what I can do... it'll take a few days, and I might have to go through and either re-edit or just cut and paste everything directly from LJ, because I know I made edits after I posted.


bluerain22 April 24 2009, 13:37:59 UTC
Hi, just curious, did After the Flaw ever make it into a pdf document or archived somewhere else online ie. etc? Thanks.


kanedax April 24 2009, 13:42:59 UTC
It's currently being beta'd and posted on However, my beta's a bit behind, so it's only up to Eleven Years Later, the Battle of Hogwarts flashback chapter.


bluerain22 April 24 2009, 13:46:13 UTC
Thanks for the quick reply! I just found it on TQP and was going to ask you if it was being altered from its original format on LJ for TQP... Where would you recommend reading it?


kanedax April 24 2009, 13:50:03 UTC
No problem, I'm at work and checking hotmail. Slow work day...

There is some alteration between the two, yes. The LJ posts are rough cuts. I often finished the chapter and posted it 10-15 minutes later. TQP, however, has been beta-ed, so it's a cleaner cut with a few sentence and chapter alterations.

Nothing different storyline-wise, though, although the physical post has some issues on TQP where there's a bigger spacing gap between paragraphs than I'd like.

So in the end... hmm... Go either way. If you read it on LJ you'll have to deal with some grammar or pacing stuff that's been fixed on TQP. But TQP is only up to Eleven Years Later, whereas LJ is at Twenty-One Years...


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