Thirteen Months Later: How To Survive When No One Wants You Dead

Aug 05, 2007 12:29

Title: Thirteen Months Later: How To Survive When No One Wants You Dead
Author: kanedax
Rating: PG-13 for minor language and sexual discussion
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows
Summary: Where do we go from here?

Characters/Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Dean, Luna
Notes: After writing After The Flaw and Our Little Wilkins, I decided it would be easier to ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, aftertheflaw

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Comments 63

using my knitting icon as i have no harry ones :( niteflite August 5 2007, 18:43:22 UTC
Okay, Luna should be in every story... ever. I cracked up when she was talking about *ahem* masturbation.

This is such a lovely piece. I like how you touch on the two job options for Harry that all the other ficcers seem to saddle him with.

In all, I coan't wait for more of the series!


Re: using my knitting icon as i have no harry ones :( kanedax August 5 2007, 19:11:44 UTC
I know I probably play Luna a little different than most other writers. I've seen her written as completely and totally analytical, and I've seen her written as like Little Mother Earth Hippie.

I've always seen her as the kind of girl who's missing that switch between her brain and her mouth. Just like Alison in my New Mutants series and Anya in Buffy. Only difference is that Luna is a loving person, so everything she says is to try to help. Sometimes it's honest to the point where it gets others thinking ("You're waiting for someone to kill you?") and sometimes it's just... that.

But, don't worry. She's going to be on the trip with the others, so I'm not losing her any time soon.


bibliophile20 August 5 2007, 19:36:33 UTC


kanedax August 5 2007, 19:48:11 UTC
Thanks! The gap between After The Flaw and the eventual WeddingFic keeps growing larger. I didn't even know I was going to be writing their world tour stuff till it started coming up in this story. It's gonna be fun.


bibliophile20 August 5 2007, 20:27:22 UTC
Hehe... it's still very very nice. I love the ending on this, and the Prefect Bubblebath idea... *grin*


kanedax August 5 2007, 21:15:12 UTC
That's... that's percolating in my mind, too. I've never written NC-17 work before, but I have an urge to take a shot at it, despite the fact that it will most probably suck.


gregoria44 August 5 2007, 19:38:44 UTC
Really enjoyed this. Well realised, nice dialogue and very funny in parts. God bless Luna, and I love the idea of Neville, bum in the air, peering at plants under a magnifying glass, totally absorbed.

Great idea all round, thanks for sharing!


kanedax August 5 2007, 19:47:05 UTC
Hey, the man becomes Herbology professor someday. He's going to be friggin enthralled with the Corpse Plant, or something.

Come to think of it, that's gonna have to be in one of the next chapters.

And, yes, God bless Luna. I didn't even know she was going to start saying that stuff till my fingers started moving on the keyboard, and good lord she kept going.


ultimate_cin August 5 2007, 23:10:22 UTC
“It’s all very interesting,” said Luna. “It’s quite fun to listen, although I am surprised that they think I give good advice. I’ve only been one date, with Harry, and the only sexual experience I’ve had are orgasms from my nightly masturbation sessions.”


I spit banana milkshake all over my computer screen when I got to that line! I love the way you write Luna, and I love your little fic series. :)


kanedax August 5 2007, 23:13:03 UTC
I haven't decided if "Three-masted vessel" should be considered, I don't know, symbolic or something. Something about Harry, Ron, and Dean listening to Luna and having three masts... ah, whatever.

Thanks for reading! There's more to come!


cactus_wren August 5 2007, 23:57:12 UTC
This was great! Laughed quite a bit throughout, loved the bit with the tatoos, and with Luna, of course. Looking forward to more fic from you!


kanedax August 6 2007, 01:08:31 UTC
I loved writing the tattoos. Just like with Luna's monologue, it started as a small joke and just kept going.

I love the icon, btw.

Thanks for reading. There will be more coming in the next few days (I'm thinking of exploring the "Prefect's bubble bath," but I'm trying to decide if I have the balls to go with it), so keep your eyes open.


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