Don't you hate it when you want to post about something, then one thing leads to another and you find yourself staring at your LJ Update page an hour later saying "wait, what?"
Well, I can do this at least. Look at my pretty icon. ooooooh. <--------------
Thanks to Makani for letting me steal from her
deviantART page. I just wish I could do more, but this is certainly a nice start to editing something off of
this image.
I kinda figure my Tonks "WTF" can only be used in certain situations, so this icon'll probably be my generic Potter Picture from this point on.
I posted chapter 2, as you can see below, and I do have a question: How does the average person post their Word documents to LJ without making them look all big and bulky? I tried re-sizing it, but it doesn't seem to have much of any effect.
Anyway, two chapters done. I took a break last night to start my Bruce Wayne & Peter Venkman story, but will probably get into chapter three sometime this weekend. I have a three-day weekend, with very little planned, so it'll happen.
Oh, and can anyone point me to an article about the new Forbes 500 list that mentions the guy who created Power Rangers? Just need the link for a messageboard I'm communicating with.