I am going to just cut/paste
that previous post right here into this new post, because not a single goddamned thing is different, except that it's 2017 instead of 2016.
Original post:
"Fuck Daylight Saving Time," by Wil Wheaton.
I absolutely agree.
Fuck Daylight Saving Time. We need to just pick one or the other and fucking stick with it year round. Stop making us pointlessly change the clocks twice a year. It's fucking asinine. If you live in an area of the world that doesn't do this stupid bullshit, consider yourself fortunate.
G.V. Hudson. Fuck
William Willett. Fuck
Benjamin Franklin (even if he was just joking). Fuck
the Romans. Fuck anybody and everybody who has thought, is currently thinking, and ever will think that Daylight Saving Time, or anything even remotely similar to Daylight Saving Time, is a good idea.
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