Trump tweets, part 14 (man this shit just gets stupider and stupider)

Nov 12, 2016 22:46

And it's not even really Trump himself at the moment, but all his fucking dumbass supporters (and, also, even some anti-Trump people doing some seriously goofy shit).

Previous post, as always.

Dear Mr. President Elect @realDonaldTrump.
I respectfully ask why it is OK to protest Obama, but unfair to protest you.
Please answer.
- Dan Worthington (@danWorthington) November 11, 2016

Here is another fictional POTUS who is less scary (and less incompetent) than Donald Trump:
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

. @realDonaldTrump Indeed it is, Mr. Trump. Indeed it is.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

We have come too far as a country in combating discrimination. We are not going back.
- Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) November 12, 2016

NYT: Trump may split time between White House and Trump Tower
- Talking Points Memo (@TPM) November 12, 2016

Anything that keeps him away from his new job has to be a good thing.
- Ragnar Tørnquist (@ragso) November 12, 2016

Here's an interesting hypothetical: Is it possible to impeach a POTUS before inauguration?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

Also, why should statements on public record be, for some reason, barred from being used in a court case?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

Yes please….eh?!
- tara strong (@tarastrong) November 12, 2016

@tarastrong Can we also have additional little pockets of Canada all throughout the former USA, sort of like the Republic of Molossia?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

There is no compromise on racism, bigotry, xenophobia and sexism. We will fight it in all its forms, whenever and wherever it re-emerges.
- Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) November 12, 2016

Oh wait, and here I thought it was supposedly the #TrumpProtest liberals who were doing all the horrendous bullshit?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

@KaneMagus Hell, if anything, what all this horseshit does is prove why #TrumpProtest is a thing, and also why it *needs* to be a thing.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

1. Know what kills me most about the idea that we should overlook racism/sexism/anti-Islam to empathize w/the #EconomicAnxiety of the WWC?
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

2. Our black president has done more to turn around the economy & lift up the white working class than ANY white Republican president.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

3. He saved the auto industry when Trump would've let it die "like a dog."
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

4. He made a massive investment in infrastructure designed to stimulate the economy and create working-class jobs-and was demonized for it.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

5. He staked his ENTIRE LEGACY on making the first stride toward universal healthcare possible-and was demonized even further.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

6. THROUGHOUT his two terms, his approval rating among the non-college-grad white working class-the Trump base-dropped like a rock.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

7. Tea Party rallies trashed him with bigoted slogans, the GOP shared racist memes, the RW echo chamber fed the beast with false news.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

8. With "socialist Muslim birther" fervor at its peak, Obama's WWC approval tanked to around 25%. Who led the charge against him? TRUMP.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

9. Yes, we so quickly forget that Trump CAME TO POLITICAL POWER by sabotaging our current president & making WWC voters despise him.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

10. Today unemployment is 4.9%-vs. 9%+ in the economy Obama inherited from GWB. In 2008, GDP FELL 0.1%. Under Obama, it's GROWN 3-4% a year.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

11. Yes, lots of America hasn't felt this rebound-but NOTHING TRUMP PROMISED is intended to fix that, while Clinton's plans did.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

12. You may claim Trump won due to #EconomicAnxiety. The truth is he won by doing what the Right has done for 8 years of Obama, more bigly.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

13. E.g., slandering our president, demonizing immigrants, dehumanizing minorities and making vague, unsupported statements of patriotism.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

14. So miss me with the whole "empathy for white #EconomicAnxiety" trope. Any uncertainty felt by WWC is inevitably DOUBLE for POC WCs.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

15. If you're a Dem crying hot salty tears for the WWC, tell me how POC workers managed to not fall for Trump's message? WHAT could it be?
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

16. It's because his message was vague patriotic bullshit wrapped in outright hate speech-& most black, Asian, Latino voters spat it out.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

17. You want Dems to get it back? Don't "collaborate" with Trump to "minimize his damage." Stick to progressive ideals. Block bad policies.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

18. Act like you've got a pair of MF'ing ovaries, STAND YOUR GROUND for what you believe to be right, good and true, & CALL TRASH TRASH.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

19. Don't dismiss white working class America's concerns, but don't fall into the garbage trap of ignoring YOUR BASE of POCs to chase WWCs.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

20. Finally, everyone making that ridiculous claim that "whites who voted for Obama didn't suddenly become racist when they voted for Trump?
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

21. Ever considered that those voters ROSE ABOVE their racism to vote for Obama? That eight years of vile slander has "brought them home"?
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

22. We won't fix racism by ignoring it in order to fix the economy. Engage the truth. BUILD BRIDGES, yes, but not with our f*cking BODIES.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 11, 2016

23. Addendum: Some people have been demanding data. Here's @KaiserFamFound's survey of WWC. Please read.
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 12, 2016

24. According to survey, 76% of WWC "optimistic" about lives. 2/3 "satisfied" w/financial status. 72% have FT jobs @freddiedeboer @tedlieu
- Jeff Yang (@originalspin) November 12, 2016

As People publishes its glowing Trump cover, Sen Harry Reid has choice words about covering a "sexual predator who lost the popular vote."
- Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) November 11, 2016

@roncookmail The violence at the #TrumpProtest? Could be false flag, sure, at least some of it. All that racist horseshit? Highly doubtful.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

@roncookmail Oh, wait, you're just an asshole Trumpette implying that the racist stuff is the false flag. Never mind, *plonk*
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

Why yes, I *am* intolerant of racists, sexists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, white supremacists, and other such bigots. Problem?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

Spoony's Law of Debate: you will never change anyone's mind.
- Noah Antwiler (@TheSpoonyOne) November 12, 2016

@TheSpoonyOne "I never saw an instance of one of two disputants convincing the other by argument." -- Thomas Jefferson
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

@TheSpoonyOne "I have seen many, on their getting warm, becoming rude, & shooting one another." -- Thomas Jefferson
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

@TheSpoonyOne "They are determined as to the facts they will believe, and the opinions on which they will act." --Thomas Jefferson
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

@TheSpoonyOne "Get by them, therefore, as you would by an angry bull;" -- Thomas Jefferson
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

@TheSpoonyOne "it is not for a man of sense to dispute the road with such an animal." --Thomas Jefferson
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

Hmm, I find myself quoting from that passage from Thomas Jefferson a lot, lately. I wonder why. ¬_¬
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

Because I keep quoting from the damn thing, here it is (mostly) in full again.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 12, 2016

"'We actually elected a meme as president': How 4chan celebrated Trump's victory" Fuck 4chan. That is all. *shrug*
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

False Equivalence is another thing that should have a high profile story done about it. I've seen and am still seeing so much of this shit.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

Today Trump denounced protests against him, but so far nothing denouncing the KKK celebration parade in his honor.
- Emmy Rossum (@emmyrossum) November 11, 2016

People have a right to be angry but we have got to channel that anger against the people who caused the decline of the middle class.
- Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) November 13, 2016

Most Trump supporters voted for him DESPITE his racism and misogyny. So most also don't like these traits. Therein lies some common ground.
- George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) November 13, 2016

"Dear White People, Your Safety Pins Are Embarrassing" #safetypin? What in the actual fuck.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

This is about as useful as liking a Facebook post to cure cancer or some shit. Who comes up with this asinine crap?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

Also, this Nazi #safetypin shit. Again I say, what in the actual fuck. Just when I thought #Election2016 couldn't get any fucking stupider.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

Look, I know you think you're "helping" with this #safetypin shit, but if you *really* want to help, donate to a reputable charity instead.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

I mean, do whatever you want, wear a #safetypin if it makes you feel better. Also, like and RT this tweet to feed a puppy or something? ಠ_ಠ
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

The worst thing about this slacktivist #safetypin thing: I'm seeing more assholes trying to subvert it for their twisted ends, than I...
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016 seeing people tweeting about it in good faith. I truly hope nobody gets hurt going up to some Nazi dickcheese wearing a #safetypin.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

Also, for the ignorant (which included myself until today), the #safetypin thing has been a thing since at least WWII. This isn't new.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) November 13, 2016

I almost feel like I'm going to need to "detach and detox" from social media, or even just the Internet in general, for the entire next four years, at this rate. Guh.

barack obama, donald trump, trump tweets, twitter, politics

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