"Give President *ugh*shiver* Trump a chance," they say.

Nov 10, 2016 10:10

Transcribed from my pencil-and-paper journal entry for today:

Everyone from Republicans to Hillary Clinton herself are saying the same thing: "Give President *ugh*shiver* Trump a chance." On the one hand, doing so would be "taking the high road" and "not stooping to their deplorable level" and so on and so forth, yadda yadda, blah blah.

On the other hand, Republicans in both the rank-and-file base and in the high echelons of GOP leadership had eight goddamn years to "give President Obama a chance." Did they do it? Hell the fuck no, they did not. As soon as Obama was first elected in 2008, the GOP leaders made it their explicit, stated goal to make sure Obama was a one-term President. Fortunately, they failed at this, but then the goal merely shifted to continuing the obstructionism and trying to tarnish Obama's legacy. Again, fortunately, Obama's legacy is intact. He wasn't absolutely perfect, to be sure, but he was still the best President we've had in my lifetime. Meanwhile, thanks to the above, as well as the previous eight years under Dubya, the Republicans' reputation was not merely tarnished but completely rusted through.

So, yeah, on the one hand, the reason to "avoid emulating the abject assclownery on display by the Republicans for the past eight years" is indeed a fairly decent reason to "give President *ulp*threw-up-in-my-mouth-a-bit* Trump a chance," I suppose.

But, aside from that, give me one good, valid reason why we should "give President *guh*eye-twitch* Trump a chance"? Donald Jackass Trump is a demonstrably proven racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobe, bigot. His followers and supporters include a disturbingly big number of demonstrably proven racists, sexists, misogynists, xenophobes, white supremacists, homophobes, bigots, etc. Why in the fucking goddamn hell should we be giving racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, white supremacy, homophobia, and bigotry a chance? Why? Fucking why? They don't give us a chance, so why should we give them one?

To "heal the divide," they say. To "bring us together," they say. No, I say. I'm actually very comfortable with the divide between me and all those racists, sexists, misogynists, xenophobes, white supremacists, homophobes and bigots. I don't want to be brought together with those assholes. I don't have and don't want to have common ground with shitheels like that.

So, yeah, again, why should we "give President *ugh*shiver* Trump a chance"?

(And if you, as a supporter of Trump, may not like being tarred with the same feathers as all the racists, sexists, misogynists, xenophobes, white supremacists, homophobes, bigots, etc., if that sort of thing offends you and twists your underwear all out of shape, then perhaps you should not have backed the one candidate who was and is the very embodiment of all of those things. Donald Trump is racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, white supremacy, homophobia, bigotry incarnate. If you don't like the label, tough shit.)

donald trump, hillary clinton, pencil-and-paper journal, politics, personal

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