Here, have another post that consists entirely of embeds of tweets. This time it's not
Donald Trump related, so there is that, at least.
Something something new Red Dead game... that'd be cool and all, but I'd be happy if Rockstar would just release Red Dead Redemption on PC.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 16, 2016 But, people, if it's a new Red Dead game, it is *not* going to be "Red Dead Redemption 2." It'll be Red Dead .
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 16, 2016 And it *certainly* isn't going to be "Red Dead Redemption 3" as I've seen some people saying. That's just stupid and absurd.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 16, 2016 The first game was "Red Dead Revolver." The second game was "Red Dead Redemption." How is this so seemingly difficult to understand?
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 16, 2016 Saying "RDR3" would be (mostly) accurate and acceptable, though, I suppose.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 16, 2016 I'm not going to get hyped at all about any potential new Red Dead R* game, unless it's coming out on PC. Redemption still isn't on PC yet.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 17, 2016 Wait so they *are* calling it "Red Dead Redemption 2" after all? Huh. That's about as odd as Final Fantasy X-2 and XIII-2, but OK, I guess.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 On the bright side maybe a direct sequel to Redemption will mean that Redemption will finally see a PC release, more than an unrelated RDR3.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 Or it could mean that Red Dead Redemption 2 will also be a console-only release, in which case I suppose I'd probably never play it. *shrug*
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 Given that my interest in ever buying another current gen video game console remains hovering in the negative values, at least as of now.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 And I certainly wouldn't be buying a console just for Red Dead Redemption 2, if Redemption 2 were to be console-only, that's for sure.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 We'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out, I guess. I hope both Red Dead Redemption 1 and Redemption 2 get PC releases, though.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 Well, for that matter, Red Dead Revolver, the first game, was never released on PC either. I think the whole series should get PC releases.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 In any case, as I've said before, my hype for Red Dead Redemption 2 will remain at zero, until I hear news of a PC release.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 And sites like this and most of the commenters under it can fuck off and die, as far as I'm concerned.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 Unless you are literally 8 years old or younger, that whole PC vs console wars bullshit is simply asinine.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 Feeling schadenfreude because a game is coming to "your" system of choice and explicitly not to "the other guy's" is goddamn juvenile.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 While I'd like it to be released on PC, I'm not going to be an asshole and begrudge console owners, because that would be fucking stupid.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 If it's not released to PC, no big loss to me. I'll just play one of the other thousands of games that get released to PC instead.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016 And Rockstar will simply lose out on the money that I would have spent on Redemption 2 PC (and the other games if they got PC releases).
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
October 18, 2016