More random dreams from 2015

Aug 31, 2016 17:50

I noticed that I haven't been writing about my dreams pretty much at all in this LJ, anymore. That's because I've just been writing about them in my pencil-and-paper journal. As such, just for the hell of it, I'm going to transcribe (and maybe comment on some of) the dreams I wrote about in my pencil-and-paper journal since the last time I did this. The only difference is that this time, instead of going in reverse chronological order, I'm just going to going in normal order, oldest to most recent. Going to use both and [Spoiler (click to open)] tags. Also, for some of the longer entries I'll try to break them up at appropriate points here in this LJ post, even though in the pencil-and-paper journal itself they are, as always, just long, unbroken, paragraph-less masses of text. Most of these are just excerpts from longer entries, since I don't write only about dreams in this thing (despite how it may seem).

[Entry from Tuesday, April 28, 2015]Entry from Tuesday, April 28, 2015:

"I was up too late reading last night, until a little before 2:30am. I was reading A Storm of Swords and I stopped a couple chapters after the event known as 'The Red Wedding.' ... ...yeah. That's all I'm going to say about that. Anyone who has read it (or seen the show) knows what I'm talking about, and anyone who hasn't probably wouldn't appreciate the spoilers (assuming anybody besides me ever reads this). Then, after I went to sleep, I had some crazy dreams that were, in some small part, influenced by said reading, though beyond that, it involved me as some superpowered woman (yes, I was a woman in my dreams again), whose main power was the ability to morph her body into liquid, greatly increase the volume of said liquid, and then drown rooms full of her enemies, or else return the liquid to a solid state and crush them. That was only a tiny part of that whole dream session, as there was a lot more just as crazy shit going on that I only vaguely remember."

[Entry from Wednesday, May 6, 2015]Entry from Wednesday, May 6, 2015:

"Weird dream(s) last night. Vaguely related to the Song of Ice and Fire novels I've been reading, but not really. I was Jaime Lannister. I started in 's yard and went through the door in her house. The house was dark and nobody was there. I walked around, looking at every little thing like it was a point-and-click adventure game. My ultimate goal was the basement, though I was taking my time. I knew that Sansa Stark was in the basement, and she knew that I knew she was there and that I was there looking for her. For some reason. The whole thing was rather sinister. When I finally went down to the basement, it wasn't 's basement. Instead, it turned into a giant warehouse-type area. A bunch of people were there and they were either cowering away from me or actively toadying up to me. I got one guy to lead me to a door, behind which I (still Jaime) knew Sansa was hiding. At that point, the scene switched."


"Now I and Sansa were standing in a sort of rocky field. The POV shifted and it was like it had become an isometric video game, like Pillars of Eternity, and I was fiddling with a Ultima VII-like jumbled inventory, while Sansa tried to escape. She had a dwarf with her, helping her. Not Tyrion Lannister, but an actual Tolkien/D&D dwarf. Finally, I got rid of the useless inventory and started following them, the POV shifting back to first-person view. I briefly swam through a shallow stream and then I got out of the water onto a crowded bus terminal. There was someone else with me at that point, which I alternated between thinking of as either a second Sansa or as Arya Stark. She was just following me, not doing anything. I was following the dwarf, who was trying to find a bus. There were lots of buses, but he couldn't find the 'right' bus, until he reached the very end of the terminal. I followed him onto the bus, to the back of the bus. Sansa was sitting on the aisle, the dwarf in the middle, and a random 'dream guy' at the window. I asked/commanded the dream guy to get up and find a seat somewhere else. Behind me, Arya/second Sansa was asking someone in front of them (behind me, since I was facing the back of the bus) to also give up a seat."


"That was when I woke up and the true dream ended, but I kept laying in bed maybe 50-75% awake and the 'dream' sort of continued, but I don't remember much about it, after that. I remember walking around in downtown Mayodan, near the church where I used to have Cub Scout meetings, but that's all I remember now."


"Given the 'tone' of the dream, I had the impression that it would have made more sense if I'd been Petyr Littlefinger instead of Jaime Lannister, but whatever. (I just find Littlefinger to be more creepy/treacherous/evil than Jaime in the actual stories, at least up to where I am at this point, anyway, which is the beginning of A Feast for Crows.) And... that's two whole pages about a dream."

[Entry from Friday, May 8, 2015]Entry from Friday, May 8, 2015:

"Ma woke me up around 9:30am to tell me she was going with to get some plants to put in the garden. She could have just as easily not done that and just left me a written note somewhere, but whatever. I almost immediately went back to sleep and, during what had to be one of the longest hours I have ever perceived to experience, I started having a bunch of cycles of those fucking goddamn piece of shit horrible 'false awakening' dreams. They all involved me trying to get up before Ma and
got back (which I have done IRL, for what that matters), but that's the only common thread they had. One had me getting up and it being as dark as night outside, even though it was late morning (same as when I usually get up). Several had me getting up and trying to get my glasses and phone from the side of my bed only to find a ton of extraneous shit in the way, though it was different extraneous shit depending on the dream. Some only involved the 'false awakening' beginning only to branch into a different dream, such as one that had me continually riding various elevators up and down. If I was riding them to anywhere in particular, I don't recall where it was. I loathe 'false awakening' dreams. I despise them. Come up with any synonym for the word 'hate,' and it can be applied to how I feel about these horseshit dreams."

[Entry from Sunday, May 10, 2015]Entry from Sunday, May 10, 2015:

"Had a weird sequence of dreams last night, though memories of them seem to be fading by the second even as I write this. Let's see what I can remember... Sporks with bent tines. Metal spoons replace the broken plastic sporks. Each granted superpowers. I was somebody who was being chased by a group, then later I was a part of the group who was chasing this person I had been. We were on a train or a bus or something. We were in a school and, more specifically, a school gym locker room. I don't really remember much else, such as if there was any sort of 'story' to the dream or whatever. Even those bits I recalled above are quite hazy. If I hadn't wrote that about the dream in here, I'd have probably forgotten it utterly in a hour or so, as with so many other dreams. When I come back later and reread this, I might have some vague, phantom memory of the dream, but I might just wonder what was I smoking.* (In jest, of course, since I don't smoke anything.) I wish I'd have some more dreams about Chris and Tess, or Project Metagame, or other similarly writing-inspiring things."

(The "*" there is in relation to a footnote [more accurately, a header note] that I made while rereading this thing a while later, which I will put here: "* - Yeah, this is pretty much the only time so far that I have been rereading this journal, got to one of these entries about dreams, and then not had even the vaguest of memories as to what the dream had been. -February 3, 2016")

[Entry from Monday, May 11, 2015]Entry from Monday, May 11, 2015:

(Note: this entry includes the snake dream, which is the only other dream-related post I've made in this LJ at all since the previous big pencil-and-paper journal round-up post. This entry will include all the profanity that I'd used in the actual pencil-and-paper journal entry, though, as opposed to the somewhat cleaned up version I used in the above linked LJ post from May 16, 2015.)

"Get ready for another full page or two of writing about dreams I had last night. First of all, this was another of those nights where I'm not sure if the crazy, fucked up dreams caused the queasy, upset stomach or if it was the other way around. Okay, so the first dream. I and some other people (I think Ma and
were there, among others) were in Ma's bedroom. Also there was a huge crazy, fucked up, multiheaded snake/dragon thing, which was more like a bunch of separate snakes attached near the tips of their tails. It was, like, the king of snakes or some shit. And after a big, huge, epic fight, we killed this thing. Which, as it turned out, led to an even worse situation. Once the snake king was dead, we somehow knew we needed to get the fuck out of Dodge because, apparently, killing the snake king woke up a metric fuck-ton of other snakes and snake monsters, all of which were now spewing out of a hole in the ground a few miles away and were heading our way. We went outside and made preparations to get in vehicles to flee. I turned and looked in the direction the snakes were coming from. After I woke up, the situation of looking at the snakes coming reminded me of a scene in the computer game Exmortis 2, near the beginning, when you're standing next to a farmhouse* watching dark clouds in the far distance, which are the approaching Exmortis."

(Header note: "* - A church, actually, not that it makes much difference.")

"You're supposed to get in a car and drive away, but if you just stand there, the cloud gets closer and darker and, eventually, the Exmortis arrive and kill you. That is what the end of the snake king dream reminded me of, though I woke up before it got that far. I just hope this dream wasn't an omen of finding a(nother) snake in Ma's room IRL, because we did find one in there once, many years ago when I was a kid, though it was just a mostly harmless black snake.*"

(Header note: "* - Holy fucking shit. Go look at the May 16, 2015 entry. That's all.")

"Another dream involved zombies. There was a huge furnace or flamethrower trap set up with a big corral sort of thing in front of it, into which a bunch of zombies were trapped. There was one giant of a zombie at the front, next to the furnace. Just outside the fence, I pressed a button and turned on the trap. All of the zombies were instantly incinerated, except for the giant, who just fell over. After a bit, the trap closed and the big guy started to get up, so I opened the trap again. After several cycles of this, I lamented that it'd probably be easier to jet fight the big guy. And then, out of the blue, President Obama was there, telling me this wasn't the case, that it'd be much harder to fight the giant. Then he started to walk toward the door of the corral, even though the flames were still active. That's when I woke up. There were other dreams, but I'm done for now."

[Entry from Wednesday, May 13, 2015]Entry from Wednesday, May 13, 2015:

"Took a melatonin and two regular ibuprofen (as opposed to ibuprofen PM) last night. Not sure if that is what led to the crazy, fractured dreams or what. Don't recall much of anything about them as they didn't make much sense even at the time. Something about dragons, the screen from an old text based computer game, some bits of music from another, different old computer game, space ships, and other random stuff."

[Entry from Monday, May 25, 2015]Entry from Monday, May 25, 2015:

"Had some weird dreams again last night, though I don't remember all of them. One involved a gigantic clown head balloon, wearing a pointy Peter Pan-looking hat and a malevolent expression on its face. This balloon was attached by a long cable to an equally gigantic pair of toy, wind up feet. Wherever this thing went on those feet, nothing but fire and destruction followed in its wake. At one point, I was in a bus that was, for some odd reason, moving toward this thing. It stepped on top of the bus as it moved along, and through the windows, I saw only flames."

[Entry from Tuesday, May 26, 2015]Entry from Tuesday, May 26, 2015:

"Welcome to the first page of the third composition book to be used for my personal pencil-and-paper journal. What am I going to use it for? Why, complaining about how shittily I slept and the cruddy dreams I had last night, of course. So yeah, I slept quite shittily last night. Turned the light off at around 1:20am and didn't get up until 10:57am. The dreams were shitty mundane dreams involving being back in WA (living in my condo) and going to school (not necessarily DigiPen, even though it was 'in WA' as far as the dream was concerned). It was one of those dreams that made me feel relieved that it wasn't real after I finally woke up, because it felt real enough while I was dreaming it. That relief was mostly overshadowed by feeling shitty and cruddy and crummy and crappy and whatever."

[Entry from Wednesday, May 27, 2015]Entry from Wednesday, May 27, 2015:

"Blargh. Guh. Fucking meh. Shitty dreams. Not sure I want to describe them in detail. They involved trying to cross a river or some shit, family members criticizing me, and me getting pissed off by that and going off to leave them on their own."

[Entry from Saturday, May 30, 2015]Entry from Saturday, May 30, 2015:

"Crazy-ish dreams. Sort of video game-ish without being about a particular video game. There were a bunch of messages, each in a different medium. Paper, parchment, stone, wood. Ink, paint, chalk, carving, etc. I never actually read any of the messages. Similarly, there were a bunch of different types of weapons. The focus ended up being on a crossbow of some sort. There was a quest of some sort to various different lands. Also outer space. If there was an actual purpose, I don't recall it now. The whole dream felt rather vague and indistinct, both as I was dreaming it and even more so after I woke up. There were people there, but I similarly don't recall much of them."

[Entry from Sunday, May 31, 2015]Entry from Sunday, May 31, 2015:

"Weird dreams again last night. Let me pause for a bit to see what I can remember... Okay... I actually remember far less than I thought I could prior to writing the previous sentences. Something involving time travel and trying to create stable time loops or some shit? That's about it. I'd probably have remembered more if I'd started with writing about that instead of recapping yesterday. Oh well."

[Entry from Monday, June 1, 2015]Entry from Monday, June 1, 2015:

"Had some more crazy dreams last night that, once again, I barely remember now. This one involved genies, sort of like the guy from the Disney Aladdin movie played by Robin Williams. They didn't do all that much that I can recall now, but they were there. Also, there was some dimensional travel and alternate, mirror universes and such. Genies were there too, but they were red instead of blue, meaning they were evil. Except not really, because they still didn't do anything of note. I know that there was more to the dream than just that but I can't remember now."

[Entry from Wednesday, June 3, 2015]Entry from Wednesday, June 3, 2015:

"Crazy weird dreams yet again, and I actually remember more than little to nothing at all this time, though not everything. I was outside in the backyard, and there was a large computer monitor or TV or something. On it was an active time line graph with several lines on it that were apparently tracking various elements of my mental and physical well being. At first, these lines were fluctuating up and down on the graph, but then something happened which I do not recall now and the lines all topped out. Some guy sitting on the porch behind me offered to give me some extremely expensive, high quality tobacco to plant, which would apparently make me rich. In the dream I apparently accepted, which made me happy, though in real life the idea of planting and growing tobacco of any quality is disgusting and vile to me, not only because I'm lazy and simply don't want to do it, but also because tobacco is good for very little beyond its primary use to make things to smoke like cigarettes and shit like that. I think I dreamed this and was pleased by it because there is a tobacco shop in a computer game I am currently playing through, Quest for Infamy, though I haven't used it for anything yet. Beyond that, I don't know."


"After that, I was in a different location with some other people, talking to a guy who might have been the same guy on the porch giving me the tobacco. This guy apparently gave me a gun because I later found myself in the bedroom of the condo I used to live in in WA, admiring the new gun he'd given me to add to my already rather big gun collection (which does not exist in real life). I had all kinds of shit, ranging from modern hunting rifles all the way back to ancient flintlock muskets. Then I heard something out in the living area of the condo, so I grabbed a double barrel shotgun and went to see what it was."


"The layout of the condo was different in the dream so I didn't see him at first, but after going through the kitchen and turning left in the dining room area, I saw a guy going through my stuff on the table to the side of the chair that was between it and my computer. When he saw me, he started to apologize. Oh, I should describe the guy since he was fairly distinct. He was a huge fat guy wearing a white fedora, a mostly blue Hawaiian shirt and matching shorts and white socks and shoes. I asked him what the hell he was doing in my house. He told me his name, though I don't remember it now. He said he was there on behalf of something to do with Hollywood because I was apparently famous in the dream (unlike in real life, obviously). But the whole time he was apologizing and talking, he made his way out to the balcony to where he had a ladder leaning down to the carport. He climbed down and started walking away up the sidewalk. The whole time, I was yelling at him to stop or I'd blow him the fuck away with my shotgun, but he just kept going and I never shot at him, despite my threats. I followed him as far as the top of the ladder and then just stood there yelling at him as he walked away up the sidewalk. And that is when I woke up. There was other dream shit later after I fell back asleep again, but I don't remember any of it. I feel terrible this morning, same as usual, but it isn't because of the dreams. I found them to be fairly interesting, even if the fat guy breaking into my condo part of it had been pretty tense."

[Entry from Friday, June 5, 2015]Entry from Friday, June 5, 2015:

"I took only a melatonin last night, around 11:30pm. I read until a little after 1:00am then turned the light off. This time I had dreams. It was a long series of different episodes, all of which consisted of me in bed, trying to sleep, while a parade of family members and (former?) friends and acquaintances kept bothering me and trying to wake me up for varying reasons and using varying means to do so. Some of the means were somewhat more... pleasant than others, i.e. some of the dreams involved sexy times, though those were inevitably interrupted and so it wasn't as nice as it could have been. At one point, I heard one of those fucking shitbirds right outside my window (or, rather, what used to be a window but is where the air conditioner is housed now). I am not sure whether this was a thing that actually happened IRL or if it was just another part of the series of 'annoy me while I try to sleep' dreams. I know that me waking up and popping another handful of antacid tablets into my mouth wasn't part of a dream, though. At least twice, I woke up with the heartburn or indigestion or whatever you want to call it. Perhaps that was a major contributing factor to the shitty dreams."

[Entry from Saturday, June 6, 2015]Entry from Saturday, June 6, 2015:

"Dreams. Yeah, yeah, I know I said I wasn't going to turn this into a dream journal (and it's not, technically) but in any case, here are the dreams I had last night. They were pretty cool. There were two parts, though they felt connected. First part, I was some kind of battle wizard. I was up on a high ledge, firing bolts of energy from my hands at a bunch of generic enemies who were charging the ledge I was on. The bolts completely disintegrated the enemies when they hit. But the last person I shot at was a girl who was on my side, because I shot before I realized she wasn't an enemy. But I saved her by immediately using a double blast of healing magic at her. Later, after conferring with her and others in my group, we decided to assault an enemy fortress. This part was hazy, though, and I don't remember much before that part ended."


"The second part was a strange mix of Star Trek and X (the space trading/war game that is one of my favorites). I was looking at a star map, trying to pick a sector to attack. Then I needed a ship, so I picked a mid-level corvette, though I'd really wanted the bigger destroyer, but it wasn't available. The weird thing was that these ships were really tiny, not much bigger than a bicycle or maybe a golf cart. I put a plastic seat on top of the ship and started flying it around. The ship wasn't fully armed an only had one gun on it. I found myself flying it through the hallways of my old high school. I approached a room with Romulan guards standing outside. I was there to attack the Romulan Senate for some reason, and I could see them in the room through the door. Several Romulan warbirds (each smaller than my own ship that I was riding) decloaked around me. The guards were making fun of my ship because it only had the one gun on it. I jumped off the ship and informed them that I didn't need the ship because I still had my battle wizard powers from the previous dream. I woke up before any fighting happened, though."

[Entry from Wednesday, June 10, 2015]Entry from Wednesday, June 10, 2015:

"Had dreams last night. Another series of random events involving various family members and people I knew from K-12 in NC and from my time in WA. What little I remember involved getting on a bus/train with Ma, but sitting next to (my best friend from middle and high school who I have no contact with at all now) and (one of the kids who used to live in Ma's and Pa's rental house years ago before their parents couldn't pay rent, Pa made them move out, and they utterly trashed the place when they left). Something about a dog breaking a window. Then I was randomly riding in a car with (my supervisor at TT123 in WA) as we were going somewhere. We got there, wherever 'there' was, then and I got separated. I was walking on a sidewalk trying to catch up with , but these gangsta rapper looking black guys kept getting in my way and wouldn't let me by as I tried to rush past them. Oh and on the train/bus there was a blonde girl that I sat next to briefly, who I'm sure was someone I used to know but can't remember her name (either in the dream or now IRL)."

[Entry from Thursday, June 11, 2015]Entry from Thursday, June 11, 2015:

"Dreams last night. What I remember was sort of Elder Scrolls related. Riding some kind of demonic horse or some such and fighting little goblins and tiny wooden catapults and such. There was more to it that I don't remember, but whatever."

[Entry from Friday, June 12, 2015]Entry from Friday, June 12, 2015:

"Dreams. Yes, again, I'm going to be talking about my dreams from last night. This dream was based on the Telltale Games The Walking Dead series, both seasons and the DLC, even though there wasn't a single zombie anywhere. I was there and I think I was just me and not any of the characters. We were all on some sort of swampy resort. Somehow, we'd made this place secure enough that we no longer feared zombies. We were completely self sufficient, with farms and animals and gardens for food, and solar panels and windmills for electricity and such. At some point, I woke up just enough to realize it was a dream, and I started to explain this to all of the characters, but that just turned into explaining the dream itself, rather than that it was a dream. So, basically, almost every character that was in the games was on this resort. Even the ones that had died at some point. The only ones that weren't there were the ones that had been villainous from the get go (which means no Carver, no St. Johns, etc.) Characters that ended up doing evil things but who had been otherwise allies of Lee/Clementine up to that point (such as Lilly from season one) were there. Thinking back on it now that I am awake, this dream doesn't seem like all that big a deal, but at the time, while it was in progress, it all felt like some huge, epic thing. So yeah... there is yet another entire page of this journal devoted to describing some dream. But then, not sure what else would be worthwhile to write about."

[Entry from Tuesday, June 23, 2015]Entry from Tuesday, June 23, 2015:

"I had a strange, rather disturbing, and upsetting dream last night. In the dream, (or someone else, but I got the impression it was ) had apparently applied me for a job without my knowledge or consent, and I had been accepted and then felt obligated to go to the job, even though the job was terrible. What was the job, you ask? It was to go to a class of young children, kindergarten or first grade or something, for two hours a day and supervise them during their required nap period. That may not seem like much, but it combines my antipathy for dealing with the general public with my antipathy for dealing with small children. I, of course, obviously consider this dream to have been a terrible nightmare, for a variety of reasons. Most of the dream dealt with me trying to simply find and get to the place where all the kids were, but a small part of the dream dealt with actually being around all those children. Without going into detail, I'll just say that no part of the dream was remotely pleasant."

[Entry from Thursday, June 25, 2015]Entry from Thursday, June 25, 2015:

"Had a bunch of dreams last night, though can only remember bits and pieces. I'll start with the most interesting bit: at one point there was an Asian girl. She was wearing a sort of full body, skintight, blue jumpsuit thing with lighter blue stripes down the arms, legs and sides. I was lying on my back, she was straddling me, and we were making out. And... that's it for that bit."


"Another bit had me involved in some sort of gang turf war with a bunch of black dudes. There were two lesser gangs that I was trying to unite against a common foe, but one gang was annoyed that I was wearing the colors of the other gang. So I told them I'd wear either neither or both colors, it didn't matter to me, just as long as they all teamed up.* I think it worked, but I don't remember anything after that."

(Header note: "* - Also, I think I was super charismatic in the dream, far more so than the not at all charismatic I am in real life. I didn't feel any different, but all these gang guys were actually listening to and agreeing with me, for the most part, for whatever reasons.")

"In another bit, I was apparently in Florida with everyone else," (NOTE: in a previous entry not included here, I made mention of the fact that most of my family, except for me and Ma, had gone to Florida on vacation) "but I kept trying to find a room to myself, either a bedroom or a bathroom or whatever, just so I wouldn't have to go out and do anything. There was other shit, but I don't remember enough to write about it here."

[Entry from Monday, June 29, 2015]Entry from Monday, June 29, 2015:

(Warning: the following dream is one of the more risqué of the dreams. I'm going to put it behind a second spoiler tag, just for safety. Click at your own risk. [Glad I can nest lj-spoiler tags, which I apparently cannot do with lj-cut tags.])

[Warning: this entry contains kind of creepy content of a risqué nature. Be advised.]"Dreams were mostly mundane nightmare shit. I was at 'school,' i.e. some literally nightmare conglomeration of the various schools I've attended in the past in real life, plus shit I've never seen before. Some kind of sport thing was going on. Part of the time, I was a spectator. Other times, I was a participant. I don't even know what sport it was, though. One interesting thing about the dream, though: Pretty much every girl I ever had a crush on in real life, with a few exceptions missing, made a brief appearance in the dream. But it was always from afar, as if they were simple 'background characters.' We never interacted in any way more substantial than me looking at them, noting their presence, and them entirely failing to notice me. No, the interaction was with some random 'dream girl.' She was wearing some kind of futuristic looking clothing, but I'm sure that was just cosplay, because she mentioned something about a sci-fi convention she was going to or coming from or whatever. I was lying under a blanket in the school's infirmary when this girl came up to me. Oh, and I should probably mention that she was rather overweight. Quite chunky, this girl. Not unattractively morbidly obese, though, which was a good thing, because otherwise it would've actually been rather disgusting when she took her pants off, then pulled my blanket away, pulled my own sweat pants and underwear off, then mounted me and started bouncing on my dick. This, of course, only lasted very briefly before the dream shifted again, and I was once again wandering around this 'school.' Now, I was naked from the waist down and looking for a secluded place to finish jacking off. I woke up before I did, though.*"

(Header note: "* - I woke up feeling more disgusted and creeped out by the dream than I did aroused or anything like that. I don't even think I had morning wood.")

"A later, entirely separate dream involved me fighting a future tech T-Rex, with weapons ranging from high powered rifles and rocket launchers all the way up to calling in orbital phaser strikes on the dinosaur. I woke again before the battle was won."



...Okay, when I started this entry, my intention had been to go through all of the dreams I'd written about between when I last left off up until now. But after transcribing just those two months worth there, I am fucking done for now. I started this post at around 1:30pm or so, and it's now almost 6:00pm. I'll probably pick up from here in a future entry, and do another couple months worth or so. I apparently wrote a fuck-ton more about dreams in my pencil-and-paper journal than I thought I

sleep, pencil-and-paper journal, dreams, personal

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