I'm just spitballing here. I'm making no serious claims or accusations one way or the other. It's just that this is something to ponder in an idle moment.
So. Years ago, before the current political cycle, Trump and the Clintons were, apparently, pretty tight.
Click to view
Now, however, she's "Crooked Hillary," according to Trump. He has nothing nice to say about her these days.
So, just to be clear, I am absolutely not the only or first person to have asked the question I'm about to ask, nor am I the first to more or less dismiss it out of hand, as I ultimately think I do, too.
Click to view
Here is my favorite part of that second video, by the way. "He is a stupid asshole." Truer words have never been spoken about Trump... unless, of course, the things I'm speculating about below turn out to actually be true.)
Here is the question: how high is the probability that this entire thing, from day 1, has been complete collusion between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, for the explicit purpose of getting Hillary Clinton elected as POTUS? I don't know. I'd say probably pretty damn low, because there is no possible way that any of them or us could have predicted that Trump would manage, somehow, to get as far as he actually has, with (or despite) his fiery antics alone, which are the same sort of ridiculous antics that are now landing him in more and more hot water. But the fact of the matter is that he did, somehow, get this far. He did get nominated by the GOP as their guy, despite their own reservations against him. Again, just to say, I cannot comprehend how and why anyone still supports Trump at this point, nor how and why they supported him at all up to this point, either, but that's neither here nor there, really, at least as far as this post is concerned.
But to get back to the topic of potential collusion between Trump and Clinton... really, I don't know. I don't seriously think it's the case, but I can't just ignore the possibility entirely, either, no matter how remote it may be. If we find out, years from now, likely long after the time of one (4 years) or two (8 years) terms as POTUS, that there had been, in fact, direct collusion between Trump and Clinton, that it was all a huge ploy on their part to ensure that Hillary became POTUS... I don't know if I'd be incensed or impressed. I honestly don't.
All I'll say right now is that Donald Trump is doing one hell of a bang-up job in convincing me and many others that he is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a fit candidate for the office of POTUS, and that we should instead vote for Hillary Clinton (even if that's less a vote for Hillary and more a vote against Trump). If this is all an act on Trump's part, then Trump is the greatest actor of our time. Either this is all a front, and Trump is actively working to get Hillary elected, or else Trump is indeed the biggest fool, biggest asshole, biggest threat that this country and world have seen in quite a while. The incredibly (and increasingly) asinine things that come out of Trump's mouth are either precisely calculated to get people to become ever more pissed off at him and, thus, vote for Hillary, or else the asinine things that come out of his mouth are simply the result of Trump being an asinine person, plain and simple. And I think it's more likely that the latter is true, but I can't shake the nagging possibility that it might just be the former. Yes yes,
Trump's Razor and all, but still... you kind of have to wonder, at least briefly, if there might not just be some actual method to Trump's madness. I'm not sure which would be the worse reality. (Well, no, I'm absolutely certain that the latter would obviously be the worse reality if Trump actually somehow won, of course, but still... actually, hmm, I suppose it wouldn't matter which reality it was, if Trump did manage to win, despite all odds.
Springtime for
Hitler and all that.)
I'm not sure if this is ludicrous tinfoil-hattery on my part or if it's merely picking up on seemingly blatant and obvious tells (and yet not fully recognizing them for what they are, even so). That's the problem. I have no idea which it is. Again, I'm just spitballing here. I'm just throwing out the possibility, if for no other reason than just so that I can maybe say "Ha, I called it," if it does turn out to be true. We'll likely never know, one way or another, unless Trump and/or Clinton themselves explicitly come out and admit to it.
(EDIT) Given that
goddamn Trump fucking won, I guess all of the above can just be disregarded. Either that, or it backfired spectacularly. (/EDIT)