Donald Trump claimed that Obama and Hillary Clinton were the "founders" of ISIS

Aug 11, 2016 14:00

"Donald Trump on Wednesday and Thursday repeatedly called President Barack Obama the 'founder' of ISIS and labeled Hillary Clinton the 'co-founder' -- after which Clinton used his comments to say they show he is not fit to be president."

What in the actual fuck is even going on anymore?

*weary goddamn sigh*


"Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally"

"Donald Trump said Thursday that he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the 'founder of ISIS' and objected when a conservative radio show host tried to clarify the GOP nominee's position."

This is absolute farce, at this point. Even if it hadn't already long been at that point, this right here would be the tipping point into farcical territory. Well... no, "farce" implies that there's something funny about all this. There's nothing funny about Donald Trump being this close to the Presidency, even if there is pretty much no chance whatsoever of him actually winning now, if there ever was.


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"Trump Calls Comments About Obama Founding ISIS 'Sarcasm'"

"Donald Trump is blaming the media for misunderstanding controversial remarks he made this week about President Barack Obama being the 'founder' of ISIS and Hillary Clinton being the terror group’s 'co-founder.'"

Right, right. Once again, it is somehow the fault of "the media" that Donald Jagoff Trump said something completely moronic and now must either double down or back down. Of course it is. In this case, he managed to both double down and back down. Once again, he's trying to claim that his idiotic statements were "just a joke," after at first seeming deadly serious about it. It's just that we simple plebs apparently can't understand his oh so sophisticated sense of satire. (The Onion you ain't, Mr. Trump, just so you know. Just so you understand.)

No, see, what Trump is actually doing here is taking the concept of "dog-whistle politics" and is turning it into "bull-horn politics." He's simply no longer using "coded language" to appeal to the "targeted subgroups." These "targeted subgroups" are, generally speaking, anyone still too fucking stupid to not support him based on the increasingly asinine things he has been saying since he first started running for the office of POTUS, but more specifically, they are groups like gun nuts/white supremacists/islamophobes/xenophobes/etc. You get the picture. And, unfortunately, there are indeed far too many of those types of people still extant in this country.

Then again, that may be giving Trump far too much credit for actually planning it this way. With Trump's Razor in play, it's more likely that Trump is simply a fucking moron who says asinine things pretty much every day and who also doesn't understand the meaning of words like "sarcasm" when he tries and fails to use them as a defense.

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barack obama, donald trump, hillary clinton, politics

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