Another way in which the nuBusters movie sucks...

Jun 23, 2016 19:12

...and it's not even out yet.

I tried listening to the Fall Out Boy/Missy Elliott Ghostbusters thing. I literally did not make it 10 seconds before closing the tab. -_-
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016

Here it is, for reference, in case anyone else wants to try (and perhaps, as I did, fail) to listen to it.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016

And this is coming from someone who actually *liked* the Extreme Ghostbusters theme (by comparison).
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016


So... after failing the first time, I went back and gave it a full listen. And... no. Sorry. Just... no. *shakes head* Nope. Do not want.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016

And now, to wash that horrid taste out of my ears...
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016

Though, to be honest, after watching the movie again, *this* is what I think of as the *true* Ghostbusters theme.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016

Well, that and playing Ghostbusters The Video Game, too, since that was the main menu music for the game.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016

Also, just for shits and giggles... ¬_¬
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016

Hell, I even preferred the My Way Entertainment parody version to this crappy FOB/Missy Elliott version.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus) June 23, 2016


ghostbusters, movies, music, twitter, nubusters

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