Hmph. I reported a troll on the Steam forums and yet *I* am the one who got banned.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
February 17, 2016 Well, lesson learned, I guess. Trolls can shit all over the Steam forums from now until heat death, as far as I'm concerned.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
February 17, 2016 That's what I get for lowering myself to look at the shithole that is the Steam forums for a game in the first place, I suppose. *shrug*
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
February 17, 2016 And then the Steam moderator who banned me tried to add me as a friend on Steam after mistakenly banning me. Again, go figure.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
February 17, 2016 Oh well at least he admitted his error. Still, it has left a sour taste in my mouth. I think I'll just go back to avoiding the Steam forums.
- Kane Magus (@KaneMagus)
February 17, 2016 Yeah, that's pretty much what went down. I reported an obvious, obnoxious troll, got banned for it, then later got a friend request from the moderator who banned me after he admitted his mistake and lifted the ban. Yeah, no, I appreciate the gesture and all, but I don't think so.
For reference, this was the content of the post (which has, appropriately, been deleted) that I reported:
Subject: "SJW"
Content: "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, making a game with such large and sumptuous breasts for all to see. This is oppressing women everywhere and I won't stand for it. So I'll just take a seat over on this chair and tell you what a bigotted piece of human excrement you are, and how I'll kill your family, and how I deserve special rights. Also, I want equality for all women. WHICH MEANS FOR YOU TO DELETE YOUR GAME FROM EXISTENCE."
This was obviously some
GamerGate supporting, anti-feminist asshat (or, at least, someone of similar moral/ethical stripe) sarcastically trying to create a
straw man "
social justice warrior" to be mocked for "
teh lulz" or whatever dumbshit reason, so I idly reported it for the troll that it clearly was (with the exact wording of my report being a simple "
Obvious troll is obvious"). As I've said in the past, anyone who uses the term "SJW," like this guy did, pretty much automatically loses whatever argument they were trying to make, as far as I'm concerned, even when they're not being an asinine shitwit about it, like this guy was. Also it's amusingly hypocritical, given how it's actually, in fact, the anti-feminist, GamerGate supporting asshats like this guy who usually make the death threats and such, much more so than the so-called "SJW"s whom they so vehemently oppose.
And, to be thorough, the game in question was
this one, one of a hundred similar games on Steam at the moment and one which showed up in my discovery queue today. Despite the obviously pandering fanservice of the huge-breasted female characters, it still looked vaguely interesting otherwise. Sure, it is absolutely not the least sexist thing I've ever seen, I freely admit that and will agree with anyone legitimately criticizing it as such... but despite that, I was still like, meh, I'll give this a couple minutes of my time, which is why I was looking at the forums for it in the first place. How silly of me, of course, since just about all of the posts so far for this game were pointless, juvenile shit, which is pretty typical for the Steam forums in any case. It's just that that one particular post annoyed me more than the rest, which is why I bothered to report it.
On the bright side, I suppose, it's one of the very few instances I've seen of Steam forum moderation actually working properly, instead of being misused/abused to silence legitimate criticism, on one end of the spectrum, or ignored entirely to allow trolls to run amok, on the other end of the spectrum. Even if the mod did get a bit overzealous at first when he mistakenly banned me. Props to that moderator for, first, deleting the offending post and, second, apologizing and lifting the ban he mistakenly placed on me instead of (or, hopefully, in addition to) the dumbfuck who made the original post. That said, though, I'll still probably think twice before I ever bother to report any more trolls like that any time soon just to be on the safe side (assuming, of course, that I even bother to ever look at the Steam forums again to begin with).
Anyway, if nothing else, this gives me the opportunity once again to say (even if it might be only tangentially related): fuck GamerGate.