Well, I now have the ball rolling on the warranty issue that I mentioned in the
previous post on this subject, but that's apparently going to take "at least 24 hours" to resolve, according to the phone support guy, and he's sent me an email with a support ticket number and all that happy crappy. (In the email itself, the guy says, "You might not hear from me for a few days, however, rest assured that I will be keeping this case under my review till your issue is resolved. I will get back to you once I have any updates to share with you.")
But until the warranty problem is resolved, they apparently won't even start on trying to deal with the actual technical issue that I'm having with the laptop. Which is mostly fine, I guess, since I shouldn't actually need the laptop until November 16, and even if I don't have my own working laptop by that point, I should hopefully be able to make some arrangements to have a temporary one to use, maybe. I hope that my own will be restored to working order (or replaced, if necessary) by then, but I don't know.
We'll see, I guess, same as always. In any case, it's still incredibly annoying to have a less-than-month-old laptop already crapping out on me, regardless of any other considerations.