"'No Way To Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"

Oct 01, 2015 16:56

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

- Wil Wheaton (@wilw) October 1, 2015

I was planning to make a ranty post about this, wondering if maybe this one would finally be the mass shooting that would be the final straw that gets America off of its collective ass to Do Something™ about the Gun Problem™, but I'll just let that tweet by Wil Wheaton of an Onion article there do my talking for me this time. (Even if the article is over a year old, it's still timely.) In any case, I'm not going to be holding my breath that anything will be done about the issue this time, anymore than it ever has in the past. Welp, so, I guess I'll see you all at my next rant about this asinine horseshit when the next inevitable big mass shooting occurs.

(EDIT) And, of course, the comments under Wil's Facebook repost of that tweet are just slap ass full of stupid. That is why nothing ever gets done about this issue. (/EDIT)

guns, internet, twitter, facebook

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