GOG's "optional" Galaxy client thing

May 22, 2015 16:29

(EDIT) They've already updated the installer for the Double Dragon games to make the Galaxy client actually optional. Why this wasn't the case already, and why the Galaxy client was originally hidden in the installer for these games, I don't know (though I have theories as to why, and I'm sure you can guess what they are), but there you go. As for why the Galaxy client is still required for multiplayer and why LAN play isn't possible, GOG says "Galaxy is necessary for multi so that you can play with people from GOG or Steam as it offers Cross-Play multiplayer. As for LAN not being available, that's up to the devs." So... if LAN play had been possible in these versions of the games (and the store page for the games says "Double Dragon Trilogy supports local 2-player co-op," which implies that it does), but now is not possible... yeah, that still makes no sense to me. In any case, I'm still not going to be buying anything else from GOG, at least for a while, until this "non-optional" Galaxy client issue is more properly addressed and sorted out. (/EDIT)

The new GOG Galaxy client, which they claim is "fully optional," is apparently being non-optionally included and installed with some games, according to some of the reviews for those games, such as Double Dragon Trilogy (which is part of the current sale, and which was one of only two things, along with Mortal Kombat 1+2+3, that I had even remotely cared about in that sale, though now I won't be buying anything at all from them). And, apparently, if you uninstall the client because you didn't want this "optional" client forced upon you, then the multiplayer in these games no longer works.

With this and other recent bullshit, CD Projekt is really starting to go down the tubes, joining the rest of the game industry which was mostly already down there.

(I really wanted to change my "asinine anti-singleplayer trend" tag to be a more accurate "asinine anti-offline trend" tag, but I've already used the former too many times as a hardcoded link in previous entries to change it now. In this case, it's not the singleplayer that is broken because of the online bullshit, but the multiplayer, as apparently offline LAN games in those Double Dragon games do not work, with or without the client.)

game industry stuff (2015), drm, asinine anti-singleplayer trend, gog.com, games (2015)

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