I was idly reading back through the pencil-and-paper journal that I've been keeping since January of last year and noted that I'd written about some dreams in that journal which I hadn't mentioned on here, so I figured I'd transcribe them here, just for the hell of it. I'll only transcribe the ones that actually have some substance to them, though, and not the ones that were two line "I had some shitty dreams last night, but I don't remember much of them" entries or whatever (though those are few, since if I bothered to mention my dreams at all, I usually described what I could of them). Also, a couple of these might be a wee bit more... "risque" than the dreams I normally write about in this LJ, so you are warned.
(EDIT) I've gone back and put each dream behind [Spoiler (click to open)] tags as well, to act the same as the tags, but for those coming right into the post via direct link or something. (/EDIT)
In order from most to least recent (if you want chronological order, read from bottom to top):
"I had some weird dreams, but at least these had some supernatural elements and so they weren't true nightmares to me in the same way the mundane shit dreams are. I don't remember much, but I know it involved being in a sort of haunted house. At one point, I was shooting arrows from a bow at a giant, monster statue thing that was at first behind a metal fence, and either I'd hit the fence instead of the statue or the statue would duck out of the way. When I finally hit it, it busted out of the fence and started slowly lumbering after us. I say 'us' because I had other 'party members,' but they mostly did their own thing and made little impact on the dream. Later in a different 'scene,' we were on the top floor of this house, where normally we'd meet a little girl who was the master of the house, but we knew that if we heard the sound of wheels on the floor, we had to hide our eyes because this meant that rather than the girl, it was instead some kind of horrible monster on a tricycle, not the girl, who'd kill us if we saw her. Other stuff happened that I don't recall."
"I took a melatonin and two ibuprofen PM pills before I went to bed last night and it mostly knocked me the fuck out. I heard birds chirping this morning but they didn't bother me as much as they sometimes do. What did bother me were the shitty dreams I had. It was one long series of dreams that involved me being back in school again. It was worse because even in the dream I knew I wasn't supposed to be there, because I knew I should have been done with school. Parts of the dream involved coming home, but I kept changing school buses because I wasn't sure which bus would get me closest to home, and the buses never even left the school before I woke up or the dream shifted to something else or whatever. In other words, they were what I consider to be true nightmares. Give me dreams about crazy, Lovecraftian abominations any night over that bullshit. I'm serious. Give me dreams about vampires or werewolves or zombies rather than dreams about living in WA again or being in school again or other mundane shit like that. I didn't mind the dream I had the other day (see March 23 entry) where I was in a superhero school so much, but dreams about regular school can kiss my ass and die."
"Had some fucked up dreams last night. One of them involved my sister coming up here with her two granddaughters . I was still in bed, but that didn't stop from starting to talk to me about something or other while pretty much just started ransacking the room for some reason, which was when I started trying to run them out of there. In another dream, I was driving a car toward Ma's house out the road from 311. There were a bunch of people standing out there in that area where, in real life, that dumbass guy hangs out and just... exists... or whatever the fuck it is he does. In the dream, a big crowd was there and farther out was a car wreck. It looked like a couple cars had run into each other and another had wrapped itself around a tree. I stopped (for some reason) and got out of my car, which was just some generic brown sedan or whatever, and tried to figure out what the hell was going on. Not much luck there. Other stuff happened and then I got fed up and just decided to get back in my car and continue on. Except my car was nowhere in sight. There was now several feet of snow everywhere which hadn't been there a second before. I saw a big mound of snow which I assumed was my car. As I dug into it, I found that it was a car, but not my car. There were other similar mounds nearby which proved to be other cars that weren't there before. That was that dream."
"Had a fairly interesting dream. I was in a big open room with 3 TVs in the middle positioned in an outward facing triangle. There was a Star Trek Original Series marathon going to start in a while and 'everyone' was going to watch it. 'Everyone' in this case was a few nondescript 'dream people' on the other side of the room and had no real bearing on the dream. I was lying on the floor on my back watching whatever was on before Star Trek. I was wearing my typical sleep clothes, which is a simple white t-shirt, sweat pants, socks and underwear. I had my left arm raised up with my hand behind my head (though I don't usually use that pose in real life). As such, my view of anything to my left was partially obscured (and there was nothing of interest to my right). However, I was aware that there was a girl over there somewhere, on the other side of the room. She wasn't anyone that I know IRL, though I had the impression that I'd 'known' her for a long time in the dream world. She was little more than a vague acquaintance, and I had an impression of her as kind of a haughty, prissy, bitchy type. Not someone I'd care much about IRL. She did have one thing going for her: she was physically beautiful. She had brown hair down to her shoulders and was wearing nothing but a silver shift that stopped just below her waist, about mid-thigh. She stood up and started moving around out of my view, doing whatever. And then a bit later she sat down directly beside me. I still had my arm up partially blocking my view, and all I could see of her was her long, pale legs. I didn't move, pretending to not notice her. She sat there for a little while, then started to move again. And then, the next thing I knew was that she'd turned 90 degrees and laid her legs on me, across my stomach. I laid there for a bit more, knowing I wasn't going to be able to ignore this, but before I could do anything, I woke up. Let's just say that had the dream continued, I know how it probably would have played out (assuming no other crazy dream shenanigans had interfered), and I know that she knew it as well, and that it was obviously intentional on her part. Essentially, to spell it out, she wanted to fuck and we would have ended up fucking if I hadn't woke up. It was kind of weird, because I felt like I didn't really like this girl and didn't want much to do with her, at least until she draped her legs across me, pretty much out of the blue. As such, I'm not really sure what to make of this dream."
"I'm up a bit early today. Woke up feeling like I took a melatonin and/or ibuprofen PM, even though I didn't take anything last night. I did have a weird dream or series of dreams. The thread connecting everything was that I was part of a group of superpowered people and my 'power' was that I had about ten or twelve tentacles growing out of my back, sort of like the Spider-Man villain Doctor Octopus. Beyond that, the circumstances kept changing. First, we were all part of some kind of military special forces group. Then, we were all a sort of Ninja Turtles-like family, in that we were all 'siblings' and had a 'Splinter'-like master/teacher. Then, we were all in a school, sort of like Professor X's school in X-Men. The last was probably the most detailed, or at least the most was going on. I was walking around with some kind of copyright notices for a book that we all had apparently co-written and was looking for the others to give them theirs. When I found them, they told me about one of the younger members of the group (because now we apparently were also responsible for a bunch of kids) who was having problems. I, for some reason, was chosen to go talk to this kid, even though IRL I'm not all that good with kids and this carried over into the dream. I'm fine around them when they're acting sensible, but when they start acting up, my first instinct is to get the hell out of Dodge and let the parents handle it. So anyway, I go to talk to this 4-5 year old and she tells me she's frustrated because she wants to learn everything but nobody will teach. I tell her that's a laudable goal but since she can't learn everything at once she should start off by picking what she wants to learn most. However, I woke up before she picked something. The weirdest thing is that even though I had all those tentacles growing out of my back the whole time, I never really used them for anything."
"I sometimes wonder why I even bother to set the alarm on my cellphone, given that I usually just push the button to turn it off when it comes on, then promptly flop back over in the bed. I have one alarm set for 10:00am, which is supposed to be the last ditch 'I've stayed in bed too long and need to get the hell up now' alarm but has instead become the 'the 10:00 alarm hasn't gone off yet so I have until at least then' alarm. I went to bed around 12:15am last night and I figured that since 9:30am was over 9 hours away, I'd set my 9:30 and 9:45 alarms as well as the 10:00 alarm which I always keep set. And yet, when I woke up around 7:00am or so, I turned off the 9:30 and 9:45 alarms. Why was I awake at 7:00? Not by my fucking choice, that's for sure. It was thanks to annoying, goddamn songbirds once again. In fact, I had a dream about them. I was wandering around outside, over near the barn where parks the big orange tractor. I had a pistol in my hand. There were hundreds of birds in the trees all around, but only one of them was making noise. I was trying to find it, intending to blow it away. Luckily for the bird, I woke up first. Unluckily for me, I still heard the same fucking noise right outside my window after I woke up. This isn't the first time that outside noises have affected my dreams like this, and it's always irritating."
"It's Friday the 13th again. And just like last month, I slept horribly last night. I don't know if it was as bad as it was the previous 13th, but it was pretty bad. Of all the crazy fucked up dreams, I remember two. The first had me, once again as a woman for some reason which made no real difference to the dream, riding a motorcycle. In the sidecar was a small dog wearing a helmet with a camera on it, and through this was my POV of the dream, so maybe I was the dog instead of the woman, I don't know. In any case, the motorcycle wrecked and the woman lost an arm. She was also legless, but I got the impression that she'd always been so, rather than having lost them in the wreck. She took losing the arm rather well, or at least that was the case before I woke up, anyway. The second dream was a true nightmare, though. In this dream, I had a class at 6:00pm. I 'overslept' and 'woke up' at 5:55pm. I considered just skipping the class but then remembered I had a test in that class. But it would take me at least an hour to get to school, so I would miss the test anyway. This was when I woke up. My first thought was one of relief and that I actually still had time to get up and go to this class and take this test. My second thought was one of even greater relief when I remembered that I don't even have any classes to go to at all. I despise dreams like that.
"I've been reading zombie apocalypse books (The Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z) and subsequently playing zombie apocalypse computer games (Project Zomboid, State of Decay, Dead State, Zafehouse Diaries), so I guess it was only inevitable that I'd have zombie apocalypse dreams. Had two of them last night. The first was a sort of generic dream, though I think it might have been loosely based on one of the games. In this dream, I was in a safehouse and I was trying to get people to come with me for a scavenging run, but nobody wanted to go because 'we don't do that anymore.' I said something like 'well, when I played this game before, that was pretty much all you ever did,' which is why I think it was based on one of the games. I then just said fuck it and went out on my own. Not much happened after that because I woke up due to a phone call in real life (which Ma answered, though she claims she doesn't remember it when I asked about it just now). The second dream was explicitly based on State of Decay. I was Marcus and I was going out on a mission with Ed because Ed was depressed and this was intended to snap him out of it (this is one of the mechanics in the actual game). The 'zombies' we were fighting weren't anything from the game, though. They were these fucked up undead buzzards that couldn't fly. We were destroying these things when we ran into more traditional, humanoid monsters (though still nothing from the game). Ed and I got separated and I thought he was dead, but after I got away from the monsters, I found him grievously wounded. I used 'video game healing' (whatever that is) to return him to partial health and we started back home. That's when I woke up. Most people would probably consider dreams like this to be nightmares, but not me. I actually thought they were pretty cool and interesting. Better than mundane shit."
"Muh. I took some melatonin last night around 1:30am or so, which might not have been the wisest thing I've ever done. Well, it would have been had it actually helped me sleep, but instead it caused one of its side effects: crazy dreams. These are what I consider to be the real nightmares. Dreams about mundane shit. There was job trouble, though I don't remember details of it. There was school trouble, in that I was apparently enrolled, but which I knew I didn't belong and wasn't really supposed to be there. There was girl trouble, in that there was this girl I liked who seemed to like me and we were walking together as we left school, but then she got on a moped and left me behind. So, from the parking lot of what turned out to be my old high school, I decided to walk home. A little way into the walk, I got tired of walking and decided to float the rest of the way, so I just stopped moving my legs, levitated for a bit, and started gliding along the sidewalk. That's when I woke up."
"I had one of the weirder dreams I've ever had last night. The dream involved me trying to sleep and not doing a very good job of it, until I realized I could 'super sleep,' which granted at least twice the benefit of normal sleep and the ability to control my dreams (though I had no control over this particular dream). Too bad that 'super sleep' didn't translate into real life, because I woke up feeling just as tired and shitty as I usually do, which sucks serious ass. I'm tired of writing entries about how crappy I slept or what I dreamed about, but there's not a lot else of interest happening to write about lately."
"For the third day in a row, I have awakened after a night of srs fkn bsns dreams that I hardly remember at all. All I do recall is the last little bit, which involved having a lightsaber that was apparently broken, and thus did not have the limiter that prevented the blade from extending beyond a certain length. And so, I had a lightsaber that could literally cut the world in half. Not only that, but it also apparently widened out significantly because I pointed it north at one point and turned it on and it left this huge swath of destruction in its path. And this was the less serious of the dreams, at least based on the 'feel' of the earlier dreams, even if I don't remember the specifics at all of those. And then, after I came into the living room this morning, Ma asked me if I slept well, and I said not really, at which she said she didn't either because she had some 'crazy dreams.' She said hers was that she was back in school and they wanted her to take a test and she told them she wasn't going to take a test. While I'm pretty sure my various srs fkn bsns dreams from the past few nights didn't involve that, I have had dreams like that before. Dreams where I was at 'school' with a homework assignment due that I hadn't done, or where I realized that I hadn't attended classes at all for the whole year now that it was time for finals, or where I was at high school and decided to just walk home for some weird reason (a distance of over 6 miles in real life). My main issue with my dreams lately is that I'm not remembering most of them. They haven't been bona fide nightmares, not really, but just heavy duty shit that I wish I could remember."
"Had some more shitty dreams last night, except I remember a little more about them. For some reason, I had been placed in charge of a bunch of kids, ranging from late teens to toddlers. These were less actual human beings as they were more like characters from a Sims game. Only three of these Sims, or whatever they were, were important or at least 'in focus,' though. There was a boy in his late teens, his younger sister around 12-14 or so, and their youngest brother who was a toddler. The only thing I can tell you about these three people/Sims is that the older two had very shitty personalities because they liked to deliver savage beatings to their little brother. This, in turn, made me want to deliver savage beatings to them, and most of the dream involved me trying to catch them so I could do so, but they were hard to catch. Later on, though, my goal changed to wanting to actively alter their personalities so that they wouldn't hit their little brother anymore. I had some means of viewing their personality traits, sort of like in a Sims game, and both the older brother and sister explicitly had 'Evil/Violent' as one of their traits. So, instead of trying to catch them to beat them down, I switched to trying to catch them to 'edit' their personalities. They proved just as slippery, though, and I woke up before I was able to catch either of them."
"I had some dreams last night. What might be both the best and worst thing about these dreams is that I remember almost nothing about them, as far as specific details are concerned. All I can remember is the feel of them, which is that they involved some heavy, hardcore, Serious Business shit. That's why I'm kind of partly glad I can't remember anything about them, at the same time that I'm frustrated by it. I'd really prefer to remember my dreams, even the horrible ones, but more often than not, they just fade to nothing as soon as I wake up fully."
(Note: A bit before the above entry there was a substantial gap in my journal where I just kind of sort of... stopped giving a fuck about the whole thing or much else besides. I started keeping daily entries again from Feb 7, 2015 onward, but the last entries before that were Jan 14, 2015, and Dec 6, Nov 14, Oct 5, 8, 16, 20-21, Sep 22, 24-25, July 7, 13, June 1, May 7-9, and April 23, 25, 2015. The last [mostly] contiguous daily entry before I really started sliding was April 18, 2014. None of the entries in that period mentioned dreams. I'll pick up from before that point, though there aren't that many more left regardless.)
"I slept like shit last night. This is about three or four in a row that I've slept like shit. And last night I had a bunch of terrible dreams. Let's see what I can remember of them. One involved some guys out in the backyard trying to either buy or sell something from or to Pa. They had parked a car under the swing set. In the car was an evil, deranged leprechaun/dwarf/midget thing. It got out and was jumping around everywhere. Another dream involved me walking around on a 'school campus' and then getting caught in a tornado. It was a super weaksauce thing that didn't even have the power to lift me off the ground, but it may as well have been a huge F5 based on how I was reacting to it. One dream involved me escorting two young girls through a theme park or some shit, while some dude stalked them and I tried to keep them safe from him. They were all generic dream people in that they didn't remind me of anyone from real life. Then I got a rifle from somewhere and the tables turned and now I was stalking this guy. I caught him and a bunch of other dream people showed up and said I needed to prove this guy was evil. I had some other dreams besides those, but don't remember anything else about them. As with previous days, I don't know if these dreams were the cause of me sleeping shittily or merely a symptom of something else. All I know is that I feel like crap this morning."
"As I told myself last night, this one is going to be an interesting entry. Or, at least, longer than a normal one. First, I'm going to talk about dreams. I had one last night, but I'll get to that in a bit. I really should take my dream journal in there and put it beside my bed, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Before I tell the dream I had last night, I'm going to tell one I had three or four nights ago, since I still remember most of it. The dream started on a beach, facing west (meaning we were probably in WA, though that's not important, or even necessarily true, but that's what it felt like). In the sky, we (meaning me and some ill-defined 'dream people') saw a UFO. It looked exactly like one of those obviously fake things you'd see in an old 40s or 50s sci-fi horror film, strings attached and all. This only lasted a short time, because the UFO flew off to the right, along the coast. It seemed to disappear for a bit, though the 'camera' continued to track it somehow. When it got far enough that the view was now looking due north, the thing turned and started coming back. Only now, it was no longer the relatively harmless looking fake UFO. Now it was a huge, monstrous thing. It wasn't immediately visible fully, but appeared in parts, as though coming in through partial cloud cover. There was also a heat haze in the air, which partially obscured, or at least distorted, the view of the thing as it approached us. It looked like a gigantic rolling pin without handles, or perhaps the business end of a steam roller without the machine to push it along. It was an enormous horizontal cylinder, in other words. This thing was big enough that it would flatten several city blocks at once if it was of a mind to do so, and it looked like it was, given that it was coming right for us. Not only did it look like a gargantuan steam roller, though, but it also had huge, evil looking spikes or blades growing out of it, appearing to be made of bone. It menaced with bits of bone, as it might have been described were it an item in the computer game 'Dwarf Fortress.' At this point, seeing this monstrosity coming right at us, I decided I'd seen enough and it was time to get the fuck outta there. I started running away from the beach and suddenly, for some reason, Ma was there. We were running toward a car that was sitting in the far corner of a huge parking lot. We got to the car and Ma got in, but I realized that I'd left the keys at home. I turned and started running diagonally across the parking lot toward what I thought of a 'home.' It was just a small building at the far edge of the parking lot. When I reached it, I saw the rest of my family (brother, sisters and various nieces and nephews, etc.) fleeing 'home' and heading to their own vehicles. Now that I had my keys (somehow, even though I never came within twenty feet of 'home,' much less went inside), I started back toward the car Ma was in, except that the entire parking lot had collapsed, as though it were now, somehow, the top level of a tall multi-level parking garage. Nothing was left but a bunch of girders and pipes that were just suspended over nothing but the ground far below. I needed to find Ma, so I started climbing down these girders and pipes. I found a roller coaster car which was attached to one of the pipes, so I got in it and started riding the pipe down toward the ground. While in this slow moving thing, the giant bone-studded steam roller thing passed underneath, destroying everything in its path. The roller coaster got as low as it could go, so I exited it and entered a building. The near wall of this building was gone, open to the air. On the far wall was an elevator, so I made my way toward it. Between me and it, however, was a group of about half a dozen weird gray alien/zombie hybrid creatures. I had an idea that they were transformed humans, created by the steam roller somehow, so I was hesitant to hurt them. I took a wild swing at one of the closest ones and knocked it clean out. I grabbed it and dragged it into the elevator with me. As the elevator started to ascend (even though I wanted to go down) the alien/zombie turned back into a human: a short, slightly pudgy girl with short-cropped red hair. As she started to wake up, that's when I woke up. So that was the dream I had a few nights ago."
(Note: even though the actual entry [as with every entry in my pencil-and-paper journal] continues on in one long, gigantic, horrifying, unbroken paragraph, I will put a break here for the sake of the reader of this LJ. The walls-o-text above [and below] are probably already bad enough as it is, but I don't feel like breaking those.)
"Now for the dream from last night. It's actually more like two separate dreams, but I thought of it all as one dream. Part one, I was Superman, flying around and trying to impress people watching from below. I wasn't doing anything particularly Super. No fighting aliens or catching bank robbers or foiling Lex Luthor or anything like that, just flying around. I was inside this large domed building, doing loops and shit, and I decided to try to turn on a dime and fly through a small opening in the dome without crashing into it. Don't know if I made it, because that's around when that part of the dream ended."
(Putting another break which doesn't exist in the original pencil-and-paper version.)
"The second part is a bit more involved and rather more embarrassing to relate, but relate it I will. I'm no longer Superman. I'm just regular old me. In fact, the Superman part has nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of the dream, even though I thought of it as one dream. I'm on a bus, or maybe a train. Probably a bus, since that's what I'm used to, but I really want to say it was a train. It is highly irrelevant which it is. What is relevant is that I was sitting next to an incredibly cute Asian girl. She'd gotten on the bus/train after me and had chosen to sit in the seat next to me, even though other seats were easily available. I have the idea that this had happened before in this dream world and that, in fact, the only reason I was even on this bus/train at all was because I was hoping it would happen again. Yeah, that's kind of pathetic and a bit creepy on my part. The bus/train stopped and we both got off, me and the extremely cute Asian girl. She had chin-length black hair, one of those simple styles where the hair falls to either side of her face, and is mostly straight except that it curls slightly inward at the bottom all the way around. I was walking along, slightly behind her, trying not to be a creeper but totally being a creeper. She slowed her pace to get even with me, then we both stopped. She turned to me and said "You gotta girl?" meaning did I have a girlfriend. After a bit of stunned, awkward silence, I informed her that, no, I did not have a girlfriend. She said "What a shame," though she was smiling when she said it, as though this was fortuitous for her. Before I could respond, this was when the scene, of course, annoyingly decided to change."
"Now we were in a classroom. My old Japanese teacher from high school, Mrs. , was there, apparently trying to teach class, but it seemed nobody was paying attention to her. I know I certainly wasn't, because the amazingly cute Asian girl from the previous part was sitting to my left. To my right was another Asian girl with short, curly black hair. She was cute, too, but not astonishingly cute like the first girl was. To the second girl's right was an Asian dude. He looked like Robin Shou (the guy who played Liu Kang in the 'Mortal Kombat' movie) in his cameo role as a pirate who got his ass kicked by Tina Armstrong in the 'Dead or Alive' movie. The guy had the same long-ish hair and scruffy facial hair that Robin Shou had in that movie, though I'm pretty sure that he wasn't actually Robin Shou. In other words, he had longer hair than either of the two Asian girls did. The weird thing (or maybe it wasn't weird at all) was that the two Asian girls were utterly ignoring me. The guy kept shooting me dirty looks, like he was annoyed with me or maybe jealous that it was me sitting between the two girls and not him. The two girls, though, were behaving as if I wasn't even there. They kept leaning in to whisper to each other, even though I was sitting right there. In fact, after a bit of this, it started to feel like I actually wasn't there, as though I had become invisible and insubstantial. I looked down and noticed that I was not sitting in a chair. I was instead standing a bit behind the two girls, whose chairs were right next to each other, and apparently had been all along. The guy was still shooting me ugly looks, but it seemed that I was invisible to everyone else. The scene changed at this point, at least a little."
"I was still in the classroom, but in a different spot. I was now sitting in a desk alongside the lefthand wall, facing in toward the students, rather than toward the front. To my left was another, similarly oriented desk, in which sat a black girl. She was short and a little on the chubby side, with curly black hair right on the top of her head and a little on the sides and down the back. She was moderately attractive, but not really all that cute. Apparently, we had fallen asleep in class and our desks had been moved to the wall as some form of mild punishment. I didn't recall having fallen asleep, since it had happened during the scene switch, but the girl next to me looked embarrassed by the whole thing. By some unspoken agreement, it was decided that we could move our desks back. The black girl picked up hers and carried it back, and I was about to take mine back to its spot between the two Asian girls (even though we'd been sitting at a table in chairs before, and not in desks), but then I saw where the black girl had taken hers. She was sitting next to her friend, who was another black girl. However, whereas the first girl was merely kinda hot but not cute, this new black girl was astoundingly cute. She was about on par with the outstandingly cute Asian girl. As I was standing there holding my desk, trying to decide whether to go back to the Asian girls or to instead go sit next to the breathtakingly cute black girl, that's when the scene shifted again."
"Now I was in my bedroom at my computer. The Time Warner Cable guy was there and was asking me about my desktop background. I looked at my monitor and saw that the image was a photo of the outrageously cute Asian girl. She was sitting on a bicycle, but with her legs straight and feet kicked out forward, rather than down on the pedals. Her hands were gripping the handlebars, her arms were straight as her legs, causing her to lean back on the seat somewhat. She had a huge grin on her face like she was having a great time, so the bike must have been in motion, though nothing else in the photo indicated this was the case. There was no blurring of the background or anything like that. The bike itself was on a slightly inclined sidewalk, facing downward and to the right, in relation to the camera. Behind the girl and her bicycle was a simple red brick wall. The girl was wearing a blue denim jacket with the sleeves rolled back to her elbows, showing the much lighter blue of the inside of the jacket. She had a few cheap, plastic bracelets on each wrist. Under the open jacket was a mostly white t-shirt but which had horizontal stripes. These stripes were themselves divided into three smaller stripes, the colors of which alternated between being two orange outer stripes and a green inner stripe and the opposite, two green outer stripes and an orange inner stripe. The stripes themselves, all three colors together, were roughly a centimeter apart from each other. On her legs she was wearing blue denim jeans, a much deeper blue than the outside of the jacket was, almost purple but not quite. The bottoms of the legs of the jeans were rolled back about six centimeters or so. She was wearing white socks that came up to just below where the rolled up jeans ended. And, lastly, she was wearing dark green Converse sneakers, with white laces, white trim around the bottom, and tan crisscrossed soft rubber in the soles, which were easily visible given how she was holding out her legs. I have to say that I have never had such a vivid image as that in a dream before, at least that I can recall. I'm glad it was of a super cute Asian girl on a bicycle and not of some horrific monster or something."
(Note: I was in WA for the Big Move when I wrote this entry, and it is the only one of these particular "dream" entries that I wrote while I was there. The rest were written while I was in NC.)
"Had a crappy dream last night. Why am I writing about it here rather than in the 'dream journal' I keep beside my bed? Dunno. Haven't used that thing in a while, anyway. Also, the dream sort of pertains to my current situation. The dream was fairly simple, yet not, fairly mundane, yet not. I woke up in what I thought of as 'my condo,' i.e. the place I'm living in now, except it kind of wasn't. The proportions were all wrong at first, and then later on it just straight up was a different place entirely. For the proportions, everything was a lot bigger, the walls were a lot farther apart, more space. This was disturbing to me, even in the dream. For some reason, I 'woke up' in my (huge) bedroom with a metal adjustable wrench in my hand. I put it aside, because it filled me with unease, and went out into the (even huger) living room area, which looked nothing like my actual condo. The TV was on, which was disturbing to me, because it implied that there was someone else there. Then the dream got really weird. I started stalking around looking for any intruders, which turned out to be some sort of sinister-looking dwarf or Keebler elf things. My only weapons were these very tiny, completely ineffective grenade canisters. Seriously, these things looked like tear gas bombs about the size of my thumbnail. And they didn't work for shit. They exploded in little puffs of smoke that did nothing. was there at one point, very briefly, but she didn't do anything and then left. At one point, just before I woke up, I was trying to fight one of these Santa elf things up on a high catwalk. I threw two tiny grenades at it, but they missed completely and fell off the catwalk before exploding pitifully and harmlessly. And then I woke up for real. So yeah, that was a strange and kind of shitty dream."
"I feel like chewed up shit this morning, both physically and mentally. I had terrible dreams last night, two of them, which were both similar. The first dream had me back in 'school' again, which is bad enough in and of itself, but in this dream I had some sort of ridiculously complex homework assignment that was due later that... sometime nebulously soon, but which I had done very little if any work on. I was running around in a tizzy trying to get this thing done before it was due. I woke up feeling frazzled and sick but, once I realized it was merely a dream, very relieved that, in real life, I was over five years past ever having to worry about a school assignment again. So that was the first shitty dream. The second shitty dream involved a piano. It was one of those upright pianos, similar to the one that sits in my room here at Ma's house (currently inaccessible due to the mountain of clutter and junk between it and my bed). This piano in the dream, however, also had one of those auto playing devices in it. My task in the dream was to either get it to autoplay some song or other or else to play the song myself. In reality, I'm barely able to play 'Chopsticks' on a piano, and this lack of ability extended into the dream as well. Failure to complete this task would have led to some sort of unspecified Bad Thing happening, though I woke up before it happened. Those were my dreams last night. They sucked. I hated them. I've talked about dreams on my LiveJournal site before, but I'll go ahead and repeat some of that here also. To me, some of the worst dreams, nightmares if you will, I've ever had were thoroughly mundane in nature. The only 'fantastical' nightmare I recall having lately was one I wrote about in my other dream journal (still sitting on the nightstand beside my bed in WA) which involved the Slender Man. Beyond that, they've all involved more or less realistic scenarios, twisted to be hellish nightmares like the two I just described on the previous page. One thing I suppose I should be glad about is that last night's dreams didn't involve the ever-detestable 'false awakening' dreams. Those are, to me, the worst by far. 'Waking up' then realizing you're still asleep and dreaming, so you 'wake up' again and then realize again that you're still dreaming, and so on. I loathe those kinds of dreams more than any other. Damn it, I had a completely different topic for this journal in mind for when I got up this morning, but that has been completely overtaken by this dream shit."
"Before I get into the journal entry proper, I'm going to talk about a weird dream I had last night. It was weird. I was an employee in some sort of company or lab or something that was working on making artificial intelligence. Here's where it gets weird. One of two things was happening. Either I was going insane, and even in the context of the dream, my dreamself recognized that this was a possibility, or the AI we were creating was about to end all existence as we know it. Somehow. The whole dream, I was doing everything I could to thwart this AI, up to and including some time travel. I don't remember a specific linear order to the actions I took or what the AI was doing, I just know it felt kind of frantic during the dream and left me feeling grumpy and a bit queasy when I woke up this morning. The dream itself might have just been a side effect of the upset stomach I had on awakening, or it could have been the cause of it, I don't know. So yeah, that's the dream I had last night. I don't intend for this to be a dream journal (I do have one of those I'd been kind of sort of keeping, though that's back in WA), but if I have any especially interesting or disturbing dreams, I might write about them here.
So.... yeah. That ended up being way longer than I intended it to be, both in length and in the amount of time it took to transcribe all that stuff (literally about six hours). That last entry there, by the way, was the second entry I ever wrote in the pencil-and-paper journal, since I'd just started it the day before.
Well anyway, there they are, all the dreams I wrote about in my pencil-and-paper journal, but didn't write about in this LJ, until now. I had been kind of sort of considering transcribing the entire journal here to LJ, separating and backdating each entry accordingly, but given how long it took just to do this much... eeehhhhh... I probably won't be doing that, at least not any time soon. >_>;