Just what the game industry needs,
yet another lame Steam knock-off. *weary sigh* I'm not one of those asinine "no Steam no buy" guys, and Steam certainly isn't perfect, but they've had over a decade now to work out most of the kinks, and it's pretty good at this point, I think. Yeah, sure, competition is nice and all that, but that only works when the competition actually, you know, competes and doesn't offer decidedly inferior service. Do we really need yet another crappy proprietary client to join the ranks of Origin and GFWL and ImpulseGameStop App and Desura and UPlay and OnLive and whatever others are lurking out there? It's bad enough that I sometimes have to use some shitty client on top of Steam to play a game, but it's even worse when games get pulled off of Steam entirely just to be exclusive to whatever shitty client you want to try to force us to use instead. *cough*Origin*cough* Between Steam and GOG and the occasional game not affiliated with any of these clients (yes, those still occasionally get made and I do still occasionally buy them), I'm set, thanks.