"Towns development halts after its sole developer abandons the game"

May 07, 2014 11:22

Glad I wasn't invested in this game at all. It's a cautionary tale about the dangers of "Early Access" games. I can't say that I've never supported this model, because I clearly have, and I can't say that I will never back such games again in the future, but I do have to admit that the idea of paying for an unfinished/unstarted game is interesting me less and less these days.

"Based on Frankenberger's post, it seems the team is now betting on a sequel. 'Xavi and I were talking about a possible Towns2,' he wrote. 'At the moment this is just in an idea stage and we can't really say if he, I, or eventually Ben have the time to create a Towns2.' That news will be of little comfort to those who supported and funded the development of the original game."

Why the fuck would anyone support them in making a second game when they abandoned the first one? o_O It's people like this who give the entire thing a black eye. You can have a hundred successful projects that are diligently seen to completion, but it only takes a couple projects like this to sour people on the very concept of "early access" games.

game industry stuff, games

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