that just about does it. I'm pretty much going to go ahead and call it game over for Microsoft now. Sure, there will probably be a few Halo fanboys who will still buy a X-bone regardless, but aside from that, I'm thinking that this might very well be the last Microsoft console we see.
And as far as the PS4 requiring PS Plus (the paid subscription service) for multiplayer now, well that is pretty crappy but A) it only puts it on par with what the Xbox 360 was already doing and B) it doesn't personally affect me at all since I very rarely if ever have any interest in playing multiplayer in the first place (I'm perfectly content with Xbox Live Silver/Free/whatever it's called now, for example, so I'll be equally content with PSN free).
In any case, I have not completely and totally written off the PS4. It's still on the table for me, unlike the X-bone, though I likely won't be getting one until way after launch, probably at least three or four years or more, same as I did with the PS3. We'll see how it goes, I guess. If Sony can manage to keep their screw-ups to PS3 levels and don't dip down to the nadir that is currently occupied by Microsoft, they'll be doing fairly well.
Also, this:
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