"For Once, a Politician Defends Games, Saying They’re Not the Cause of Violence"

Feb 11, 2013 10:44

Kotaku link.

I'm not always a big fan of Nancy Pelosi, generally speaking, but she had our (gamers') back this time. Despite the headline, however, she actually didn't explicitly say that "they're not the cause of violence." She just pointed to Japan and its low gun crime rates as a counterexample, and then said, generally, that the possible link between media and violence needs to be studied, as part of a much broader initiative. I'm okay with it being studied. I have no problem with that at all.[1]

That inane Faux Noise talking head, on the other hand, with his "We don't need another study, respectfully. I mean, we know that these video games where people have their heads splattered, these movies, these TV shows. Why don't you go to your friends in Hollywood and challenge them, shame them, and say 'Knock it off'?" and his "You have a lot of friends in Hollywood. Why don't you go to them and publicly say 'Stop the video games.'" and his "Here it is, liberals like Nancy Pelosi want to go after gun owners, but when it comes to mental health laws, when it comes to their liberal friends in Hollywood, they don't want to make them ante up." ...ugh. Just... just ugh. -_- What can I say, though? It's Faux Noise, after all. *shrug* This type of blinding stupidity is par for the course with them. *eyeroll*

Okay, ignoring the fact that video games aren't generally made by the apparently monolithic entity that is "Hollywood"[2], even if that were the case, this is still merely Faux Noise just doing what Faux Noise typically does in this type of situation: trying to find an easy scapegoat for societal ills.

[1] - With that in mind, however, why exactly is the NRA so adamantly opposed to gun violence research? What do they have to fear? Why does it seem like they, and their Faux Noise cronies, have such a vested interest in having these studies shut down, which has been the case for at least around two decades now? ¬_¬

[2] - If anything, "Hollywood" is actually a direct competitor to the video game industry, and would like nothing more than to see it taken down a peg or three.

guns, faux noise, game industry stuff, games, politics

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