So this is the next step, huh?

Oct 08, 2011 18:02

Packing unlock codes for a game with a product that is decidedly not the game. Also, this is exclusive to the PS3 version. And exclusive to Best Buy. It's bad enough when this crap is being used as retailer-specific pre-order incentives for the game itself, but now this too?

So, to reiterate: if you don't buy the PS3 version of Arkham City... and you don't buy the Green Lantern blu-ray... at Best Buy... then you don't get this piece of the game that they cut out for explicitly this reason. Fortunately, in this case, it's just yet another crappy skin that I don't care about, but still, it's the principle of the thing. And then, on top of that, Joystiq says that the thing probably won't even remain exclusive anyway, so what's the point in buying the blu-ray to get it in the first place?

The video game industry continues to spiral ever farther down the toilet.

movies, ps3, game industry stuff, games, dlc

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