Sep 26, 2010 19:05
So what if the other children have got nuggets and your daughter doesnt?? Is it even my problem? Sorry, nope. Not at all. I was busy with other chores IM PAID FOR, before even stopping you inconsiderate inflexible parent from taking the food for the coffee break. Why kept repeating “but other kids over there have got nuggets” and “flexible”. You will just make me even piss and talk to you with a tone without respect. Oh not that a slutwhore like you needed any. Since your tone wasn’t that good in the first place.
And dear organisers of OCBC, you were the fucking idiots who indirectly gave me the instructions, why changed it just because ONE parent wasn’t happy with it? FUCKING STICK TO YOUR PRINCIPLES CAN YOU? Or maybe you don’t have any at all. Your dress sense was kinda yucky as well. It’s a good thing you KNEW that it was just a fucking minor problem, so why cant you cool down that mentally challenged lady yourself since it was your fault that sometime like this happened?
Useless people.