
Jun 23, 2002 18:50

jenni and i really need some new friends

we cant be ditched anymore

well im off to hit the refresh button so i can read comments on my pictures...ass

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pumpkinpants June 23 2002, 19:56:01 UTC
hahahhaha get over it


Re: kandyraverboi June 23 2002, 20:21:10 UTC
ill get over it when you grow the fuck up

how can you say all that shit?

your such an asshole


mekare June 24 2002, 00:57:21 UTC
ya know, for someone who doesnt like nick, you sure read his journal pretty often.... hmmm. maybe you should get over it.


Re: kandyraverboi June 24 2002, 07:34:04 UTC
i agree
he is no longer on my friends list after his comments
what he said should never have been said
fuck him


pumpkinpants June 24 2002, 09:18:40 UTC
Well, let's examine the situation... I'm too lazy to take anyone off my friends list, so therefore you and Nick are both still on mine... and when I click the "friends" button, guess what happens? I see entries from people on my friends list. Therefore, yes I do read you and Nick's journal still, even though I can't stand whiny bitches that think guys owe them everything.

And I was over Nick a long time ago, hence me breaking up with him? Way to use your brain on that one.


Re: kandyraverboi June 24 2002, 09:29:34 UTC
fuck off you asshole

go smoke some more pot


mekare June 24 2002, 10:12:58 UTC
well you better get to work on taking me off your friends list... because i dont like stupid fags who think that they are the shit. especially when they arent even cute. and you wouldnt be so lazy if you put the bong down every once in a while. its kind of funny though how you say you were over him when you broke up with him, but then called his cell phone saying how much you still love him and still want to come to wisconsin. you lie entirely too much for your own wellbeing. and dont talk down to me asshole, im more intellegent than you think, which is more than i can say for you. so have fun in your lifes quest for anal sex and marijuana, because thats all that your ugly mind is worth.



(The comment has been removed)

Re: kandyraverboi June 24 2002, 14:41:44 UTC
that was lame and a half and very immature

grow up steve

and by the way, im not girly, oh thats right you NEVER met me

your so lame
isnt some pot calling your name?
better go smoke it
cuz it makes you REAL cool

just stop commenting in my journal and in jennis
we want nothing to do with you anymore

hope you are happy with what you have caused and what you have said

have a great life


pumpkinpants June 24 2002, 14:59:40 UTC
hah, I had a moment of conscience and figured that was too mean for even me to say, glad you were hovering there to see it in the 5 seconds that it was actually there ;)

oh and give up the pot jokes already, like I'm ashamed of it? is that supposed to hurt my feelings? pussy.

and you are too girly, just look at you.. I've never seen anyone bitch about their broken heart so much in my life.

and if you want me to stop commenting, ban me :) It's just fun to see how riled up you both get so easily.


Re: kandyraverboi June 24 2002, 15:18:10 UTC
and you are how old?

and i dont sit and hover, i have my yahoo messanger open asshole so it tells me when i have mail.

yea i have a broken heart, if you dont like reading about it THEN DONT READ MY JOURNAL, you fucking caused it.

you should be ashaimed of your drug using, its lame and an easy way out of your problems, i hope you smoke yourself stupid, or maybe you already have?

oh since when is saying i have a broken heart girly? maybe your lame, oh yea! thats right you are.

oh and im the pussy? your the one who puts yourself on invincible when you are online so you dont have to face us, who is the pussy now? fucking coward.

you know for being older than me, you sure act about 12, whats next? going to make fun of me for being chubby? real mature, real mature.

im really sorry that i wasted $22 to send a package to your ass, and wasted my cell phone minutes. you were one big lie and a waste of time.

have fun being a fuck up, must feel great:)


mekare June 24 2002, 22:55:47 UTC
its funny to watch you make an ass out of yourself everytime you comment!

oh and by the way, deleting the heart attack joke didnt really do anything because it still came in my email. nice try though.

oh and making fun of my weight really hasnt bothered me since 9th grade. please honey, think of something more original next time! well if there is a next time you want to make yourself look stupid.


pumpkinpants June 25 2002, 16:16:07 UTC
eh, it was the thought that counts, I could repost it tho since it doesn't bother you!


Re: kandyraverboi June 25 2002, 19:55:53 UTC
go ahead lame ass


mekare June 26 2002, 14:02:47 UTC
whateva do what you want.



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