(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 21:14

SeasonsOfxURlove: hey
TheMisfityouHATE: hey
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao, you wanna swee how i greated meghan
SeasonsOfxURlove: Alwayschaoshere: saraaaaah!
SeasonsOfxURlove: how will you die
SeasonsOfxURlove: oops
SeasonsOfxURlove: sorry about that
Alwayschaoshere: what a nice way to be greeted
SeasonsOfxURlove: i was searching quizzes and her IM popped up at a bad time
TheMisfityouHATE: LMAOI
TheMisfityouHATE: LMAO*
TheMisfityouHATE: sarahhhh'
TheMisfityouHATE: pleeeease promise me something
SeasonsOfxURlove: alright
SeasonsOfxURlove: *alrighty
TheMisfityouHATE: i dont care if you think emo is hot and even like some of there music because... not everyone is perfect :-D... but yes... do not.. do NOT go emo on me
TheMisfityouHATE: hear me young lady?
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao alright i wont, i promise
TheMisfityouHATE: Phew
SeasonsOfxURlove: brittany wanted me to take the "how will i die" quiz, and i was searching for it and then meghans IM popped up at the wrong time lol
TheMisfityouHATE: thank god i got ahold of you before the emos started slowly walking towards you with their arms extended going "ooooneee off ussss" ::weeps softly::
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao, thank god ill always have yu to keep me from going emo!
SeasonsOfxURlove: gtg have dinner
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:24:27 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:24:44 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:24:50 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:24:51 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:26:55 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:30:54 PM.
SeasonsOfxURlove: backk
TheMisfityouHATE: cool
TheMisfityouHATE: i have the coolest away msg ever
TheMisfityouHATE: check it ouuuut
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:36:15 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:36:24 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE: wait
SeasonsOfxURlove: lol
TheMisfityouHATE: you cant see it
SeasonsOfxURlove: its the handicapped dude
TheMisfityouHATE: still7inthe7womb
TheMisfityouHATE: add that sn
TheMisfityouHATE: and then check it out
SeasonsOfxURlove: alrighty
TheMisfityouHATE: k
TheMisfityouHATE: ready?
SeasonsOfxURlove: ready
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:37:22 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:37:26 PM.
SeasonsOfxURlove: wait do it again
SeasonsOfxURlove: i could click the button fast enought
TheMisfityouHATE: -_-
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:38:52 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:39:05 PM.
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao yes!
TheMisfityouHATE: lol
SeasonsOfxURlove: i have to make an away outta our convo
TheMisfityouHATE: fo shizzle
TheMisfityouHATE: © Rg, Mm, Kd, Ti, Lb, Lk, Ad, Nb, Da, Ac,
Cm ©
TheMisfityouHATE: ::ahem::
SeasonsOfxURlove: lol
SeasonsOfxURlove: how do you spell your last name?
SeasonsOfxURlove: lamphire?
TheMisfityouHATE: Lamphier
SeasonsOfxURlove: close lol
TheMisfityouHATE: metilinos.. god
TheMisfityouHATE: get with it
SeasonsOfxURlove: lol sorry
TheMisfityouHATE: youve only have known me for 14 years
TheMisfityouHATE: -_-
TheMisfityouHATE: lol
SeasonsOfxURlove: lol go look now
TheMisfityouHATE: k
TheMisfityouHATE: LMAO
TheMisfityouHATE: yes!!!!
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao
TheMisfityouHATE: Jerry Fricking LAmphier
TheMisfityouHATE: i ALWAYS say that
TheMisfityouHATE: its hilarious
SeasonsOfxURlove: lol thats were i got the idea
TheMisfityouHATE: Frickin**
SeasonsOfxURlove: alright, all fixed
TheMisfityouHATE: brb
SeasonsOfxURlove: alrighty
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:45:22 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:46:44 PM.
SeasonsOfxURlove: welcome back
TheMisfityouHATE: thanks bitch
TheMisfityouHATE: lol jk
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao
SeasonsOfxURlove: it feels like someone stabed the back fo my throat with a fork!
TheMisfityouHATE: ROTFL
TheMisfityouHATE: ROTFL!
SeasonsOfxURlove: *of LMAO
TheMisfityouHATE: that is SOOOOO illiterate!
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao
TheMisfityouHATE: stabes
TheMisfityouHATE: stabed* fo
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 8:49:56 PM.
TheMisfityouHATE returned at 8:50:05 PM.
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao, did you save that as an away?
TheMisfityouHATE: yeah
SeasonsOfxURlove: lmao
SeasonsOfxURlove: our convo will make a great entry on LJ
TheMisfityouHATE: yep
SeasonsOfxURlove: omg, wanna know what makes me sad!
TheMisfityouHATE: yea
SeasonsOfxURlove: when people think of possesed they think of the exorsist, but me, i think of dane cook with the speak and spell
SeasonsOfxURlove: or the simpsons episode from last night
TheMisfityouHATE: i think of the paranormal.
SeasonsOfxURlove: did you watch the simpsons last night!?!?!
TheMisfityouHATE: no
SeasonsOfxURlove: =-Oit was fucking funny!
SeasonsOfxURlove: Apu was being hunted by mr. burns and he gets shot and killed by goes onto his next life as a kangaroo and is like "haha yu cant kill a hindu" amd then gets his ass stuck in an animal trap and goes "oww help me Jesus"
SeasonsOfxURlove: i was laughing so hard!
SeasonsOfxURlove: *you
TheMisfityouHATE: LOL
SeasonsOfxURlove: the he wakes up from a dream and lisa tells him hes possesed and a preist comes in and is like "the power od christ compels you"
TheMisfityouHATE: lol
SeasonsOfxURlove: ugh, this kid is wierd! he says hes in 9th grade but he acts like hes a 40 year old pedifile
SeasonsOfxURlove: well not really, he just really seems to love life, hes going on about school
TheMisfityouHATE: LOL
SeasonsOfxURlove: i seem to be attracting freaks lately
TheMisfityouHATE: cause your going emooo
TheMisfityouHATE: lol
SeasonsOfxURlove: lol no im not!
TheMisfityouHATE: LOL
TheMisfityouHATE is away at 9:12:33 PM.

ROTFLMAO!! i kno its an uber long convo, but its really funny! its cooler then any of the conversations you have!
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