Icon memeage from the ever lovely
verselle. I think I've done this before (years ago) but I like it so here we go again!
→ Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
→ Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
→ Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
→ This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
When I first got this journal, I started with a couple of icons my friend
skullx made for me, and as time went on, I wanted more, so at first I stuck with icons of people who looked kind of like me, which is why I have a ridiculous amount of Eowyn icons. This particular one I liked because I was always rather fond of the fact that Eowyn gets to kill the Witch King of Angmar instead of one of the (many) male heroes in the LOTR.
I made this icon myself (as you can probably tell >_>). That's me on my old (dead) laptop at my mom's dining room table. I use it for whenever I'm babbling about things that I suspect no one else cares about.
I went through a Star Wars phase about five years ago; can't really remember why. I admittedly don't use this one a huge amount.
Integra was always my favorite part of Hellsing. She's head of a secret service that she took over from her uncle or whatsit as a girl, she controls (one of) the most powerful vampires in the world, and she doesn't take your sass.
♥ I love this one. It combines so many things I like - random finger-pointing, nonsense interjections, and Riley going insane at Spock. I'm so glad nu!Trek has brought so many people into the fandom; it is a million times easier to find Trek icons now. Plus it reminds me of this:
Nightwish icon I have which I adore for pretty much the same reasons except replacing the Trek with Marco and Jukka.