Jun 11, 2004 17:41
I'm so friggin bummed out right now. Someone is closing on our house in FL at the end of the month, meaning I HAVE TO GO TO HOUSTON WITH MY FAMILY. I am so upset about it. I hate this, It makes me not want to be happy anywhere I again. I finally am content and happy beyond reason where I am and my friends, and my place with myself, AND I HAVE TO LEAVE! I'm not even mad or pissed off, just saddened. Sure, i only have 2 months left here anyway, but that 2 months would make such a difference. I'm going to be friendless and lonely feeling the entire time in Houston. My last "summer of freedom" i'm going to be somewhere I don't want to be...great! And now, there is no chance in me and Greg getting together, maybe that hurts me the most...I don't even know why, but i care about him so much and i just WANTED there to be something between us, but that's blown out of the water. Mom keeps saying that this is God's will and stuff, but I don't want it to be...I'M HAPPY DANGIT!!!! I've been fighting off crying since I found out about it. I just want to go to sleep and not deal with this.