I bought some Halloween decor and candy cause we are having a Halloween party this year. I go to put the stuff away in our pantry, and my son tells me "No don't do that mommy, the food is gonna get scared."
Oh and here's another excerpt from The Elements Of Style by Strunk and White.
2. In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last.
Thus write,
red, white, and blue
gold, silver, or copper
He opened a letter, read it, and made a note of its contents.
This comma is often referred to as the "serial" comma.
In the names of business firms the last comma is usually omitted.
Follow the usage of the individual firm.
Little, Brown and Company
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
Going to be a Vampire this year, the same as last year, only because I spent so much on that costume, it seems a shame only to wear it one year. Hubby is going as a devil, and my son is going to be BUZ LIGHTYEAR! It sounds boring, but the costume is sooooo adorable on him. Plus he has those little inflatable wings you strap onto his back.
There are two new fanfics that I started to write. One is a Jate AU, the other is something new that I'm trying, sort of a continue story of the Superman Returns movie. Yes it'a about Lois and Clark Kent aka superman. I will post them when I have a substantial amount done. I think my fellow Jaters will really like the Jate AU one, it's cute. I just hope I have some time to work on them.
Also, it's my birthday this Sunday. I have to work, which sucks, but I couldn't get out of it.
I've been having a lot of heart burn lately, it only happens at night of course when I wanna sleep, which means I've been staying up and watching Sex and the City. I bought the movie, and am waiting to watch it until I finish all the seasons, which I've already seen. I try to do a disk a night. Currently I'm on season four disk two.
ALSO.... I found this really cool LOST vid on Youtube. It has so many views I'm sure everyone has already seen it. I'm usually the last one to know about anything these days, but I really enjoyed this one and hope you guys do too!
Click to view