Jun 30, 2008 19:48
So I saw WANTED last night with the hubby. And here's what I thought...
You know this is one of those movies that you go into expecting a lot, and it just doesn't deliver. I thought that the trailers were better than the movie. Yes it was exiting in places. Loved the action scenes, but I didn't leave the theater with the thought of "Wow that was really awesome." It was more like "damn that was what the hype was all about!?" It had a bad after taste. I thought that the training scenes were a bit cheezy, when they are making him into an assassin. The whole thousand rats thing was just dumb. They are getting the hit list from threads? At first I thought that it was a clever way of sending a message without being able to really trace it or get caught. But they say it's like fate comes up with the list, not someone sending them the hits? I was like WTF. I thought that the back story was weak, they could have explained how the fraternity started better. There were just a lot of holes in the story, and that is why I didn't feel satisfied. Also I didn't like Wesley's last line. It was supposed to make the audience want to take control of their destiny and stop being a bunch of sheep. I'm sorry but that didn't sit to well with me. I guess if your not killing people, your not taking contol of your own destiny. Fuck that!
the movie,