Nov 29, 2004 07:38
Long time, no update. Been busy and such, sorry.
A lot of update worthy stuff has happened but I guess I’ll stick to informing you on the important stuff.
On Saturday, November 21 2004 The United We Stand-Defending Marriage tour stopped at La Salle’s Christ Family Church of the Foursquare Gospel- You bet your ass we were there…
Heather read about the rally that Wednesday-ish in the Ottawa newspaper. She calls me at work and says “Do you want to take part in a peaceful protest?” Well… DUH I wanna take part! Anyways… Fast forwarding to that Friday night- Me, Heather, and Em stayed up until 5 in the morning (Albs stayed up as much as she could… but she was sleepy) making signs. My fave signs was mine- “Marriage is about love not gender” -and Emily’s (straight and married) Aunt Amanda’s- “My marriage does not need defending”. Heather was quite fond of her bold black equal sign against white. We all had our fave, but the rally supporters couldn’t stop focusing on the ones with the word “Hate” on them. They tried to say that Hate was too strong of a word and that they don’t hate us. Whatever. Trust me, Hate fit perfectly.
When we got to the church… Hedder and Em went inside to see what was going on. That was scary. I sat watching the church most of the time they were inside, waiting for hundreds of Christians to come pouring out with bibles, crucifixes, and the dykes heads on sticks. Thank God that didn’t happen. Lol
In fact… no one said anything to us until we were all lined up with our signs. Then a woman from across the street, claiming not to be with the church (who turned out to be the preacher’s wife) came and started with the “hate” word stuff. Then a reporter with the Illinois Leader (which turned out to be a conservative, bible thumping online newspaper). Tricky Christians. There were others who tried talking to us, but we just stood in silence- like Matthew Shepherd’s “angles” at his funeral. (BTW, one of the uneducated thumpers honestly believes that Matt’s death was a drug deal gone bad. Fuck her and fuck 20/20). Until the end at least. Our most educated protest member had to leave to file a report against the preacher who pushed her (because she wouldn’t take his literature) and the church saw its chance to attack. They gathered about 8-10 people to pounce on about 5 scared but passionate post teenagers. I couldn’t stand there silent. I was being attacked! I made an ass of myself… whatever though. Next protest I’m taking a hint from Matt’s angels- I’m bringing earplugs. (Yep… I said next time. I want to do it again. Like Dale’s 5 year old daughter, Sidney, said out there-“This is what we have to do”)
Anyways, overall it was a fun, cold, inspiring night. Hedder has pix… you guys should all harass her and make her post them.
Humm… what else is worth an update?
I got crabs. Hehehe… hermit crabs. One is named Shredder (obviously Heather’s). Mine still doesn’t really have a name. I think I’ll talk a pic, post it and let you guys name it.
Ummm… Thanksgiving was good. My baby and me got to spend almost 3 whole days together. THAT rocked hardcore. We made a big dinner for the 2 of us and watched movies all day. It was nice.
OMG! I got my Christmas present from my baby. *claps * We went to pick it up and she just HAD to give it to me. I am now the proud owner of a White gold/Pink Sapphire/Diamond ring. I am willing to bet Heather would be more than happy to post pix of that. She is so proud. She should be too… good shopper! I love my ring! *oh’s and ah’s at it * So pretty. I could go on and on about it. However, I think I have taken up enough of your time. Later all.