Remember on a post last week(ish) how I said I think weird, random thoughts and normally I just keep those to myself? Well, here is another. I was just curious about this and decided I'd poll you guys! :) As I was putting in my contacts this morning I wondered how many of you wear contacts and/or glasses. Also, what kind do you use, how long do you
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In other words, I don't recommend making them last you for a couple of years. XDDD
Plus, apparently the more you keep stretching it out, the more it can do damage to your eyes. If you wear contacts for too long or don't take care of your eyes (for example: using dirty hands to touch your eyes or using those soaps that put glitter everywhere, sleeping in your contacts, not cleaning them properly, etc.), then you won't be able to wear them for very long in your life. I know one of my friends used to sleep in hers all the time and just never took care of them - after about 7 years of wearing them, the eye doctor made her take a few years off to let her eyes recover. She's now stuck wearing glasses and, as much as I hate to be superficial, she just doesn't look all that great with them. There are some people who look better with glasses on; she's just not one of them. I fear that happening to me, too. x.x
Plus, I know this sounds weird, but I feel more quiet and reserved with my glasses on. It's totally a mental thing and is great for using them when I'm just trying to get ready for bed, but in every day life, it's not so great.
erm *gets off the take-care-of-your-contacts soapbox* XD
I guess I just more or less want something that when its time to change them, it doesn't feel like sandpaper or make my eyes feel so dry. That's one of the things I notice about these...once they are used up, you know it! Hehe, yeah I wasn't going for years, xD but maybe if I could wear a pair about 6-8 weeks that would be nice, I'm about 4-6 weeks now.
Yeah I'm one of those that can't pull off the glasses look. I look horrible in glasses and thats probably why I've put off getting a pair for so long. I can see the "feeling reserved" and such in glasses. I wonder if people would take me more seriously if I wore glasses? Isn't that sad though, that our society would think a woman is smarter, etc. if she wears glasses? Hmm, something to think about.
Anyways, I like your soapbox rants because you really get me thinking! Your take on things is so logical, but at the same time you add your own, ummm, snarkiness (or something along those lines) to it! :D Know what I mean?
You know, it's not just women though. I mean, it's a big thing for women just because if a woman is pretty, people are much less likely to take her seriously if it requires any sort of intelligence, but I think even guys are judged to be more intelligent when wearing glasses. It's the whole nerd stereotype, ya know? Blame Saved By the Bell, I suppose. ;)
Awww, thanks! You know, it's usually your posts that get me to thinking about random stuff like that. There's something about the combination of your style of writing and, I don't know, the way you approach things that seems to get my mind going and bouncing around to different subjects, which is completely awesome. It's totally what this sort of forum is supposed to be for/about. From when I've met you and talked to you online, it seems like you're the outgoing, conversation-starter type, so it makes sense...
Oh! I hadn't thought about the guy aspect but it totally makes sense, too. Which, that is dumb, but that's just how it is. I hate stereotypes, but really they have been in place for so long that its hard to ignore them completely. For some reason, I think I would trust a guy in glasses more, maybe because I'd be thinking he was smarter than a jock and so therefore he was tune with his brain and not the other head? Yeah I know, totally dumb and kind of biased, but I bet they've done tests about this kind of thing before. Interesting.
Awww thanks back! ;) Lol, sometimes I wish I sounded more eloquent or educated when I post my pointless ramblings. But I just put whats in my mind down, so I'm glad that someone can appreciate it! I love that feeling of a spark of thought, because it can bring one idea up, and then bam! a whole new idea comes up because of that initial spark. Hehe yeah, I like to talk A LOT and I guess it shows! I love those interesting, in-depth, thought provoking conversations. Even if I can't add a whole lot, it gets me going and thinking about things in a way I never would have thought before. You've made me want to post about something else I've been thinking about, so stay tuned! :) Thanks for the encouragement!
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