Mar 05, 2009 21:58
Ok, finally I have some Repo icons. that I have two and I can post using Repo icons, har har, here are my things about this movie/soundtrack that are nit picky to me. Anyone who hasn't seen this, you are totally missing out. GO NOW! GO WATCH! :)
I first heard about Repo from my sister Shae because she won tickets to it by dressing up as a giant vag at Rocky. Yes, you read that right. A giant vag. It was hilarious, and based on Vagina Denata or something like that. Anyways, she watched it, raved about it, and after I saw the trailer I knew I had to see it. Well, when Repo went on a road tour I was stoked they would be showing the movie at a local theatre. Sadly, it was the night before we left for Florida, on Wednesday, and that was the same night as Brady's basketball pictures. So....we didn't go. I was really bummed, but figured I would just buy the dvd when it came out the next week. Well, lucky for us it was still showing in Gainesville so my wonderful sister bought us tickets and we watched it that same week on Friday! I had listened to the soundtrack before, but its just so much more amazing when you see the whole movie, lol! We watched it, loved it, and then the day it came out we found it at Wal-Mart and had to buy it right then.
Alright, so the back story out of the way. Here are my own personal quirks with it. I think because I love it so much that I can pick at the things I don't like, lol. So if you love this more or less than I do, well, just ignore me and my ocd crazies.
1. When Grave Robber is singing in the grave yard, he goes on as normal and then all the sudden he starts screaming, "GRAVES!" Yeah, really, no wonder they found you...twice! Each time you start yelling GRAVES at the top of your lungs, someone is going to notice! Lol, ok so I realize that's most likely not the case, its just the song, but that is what it seems like.
2. I noticed this the first time I watched it, and asked Shae and Heather about it. They didn't see this in the movie (I don't think they did anyways) , but it drove me crazy. When we watched the directors cut we found out the story. Ok, so there is this part when Nathan is singing to Marni (his dead wife) and at the end of the hall there is this oval frame and you see a body dressed in black sitting there, but a large hat over her face. So later on in the movie the body is gone. I was like WTF? What happened, was that Marni? Where did her body go? Well, there was a small change in the script so that before Shiloh would have to get her cure from her mother's body, and something about Blind Mag actually having Marni's eyes. The director thought it would be too confusing to most people and that they wouldn't notice the missing body or link it together. HELLO LINK! I saw it! It works out in the end, the way the script is now and how they edited it, but they should have taken that out. Oh, and when Shiloh has her moment before death, seeing her life flash before her, they forgot to take out the images of her seeing her mother's body at Gene-Co. Shae told me about that one from a post on the Repo boards.
3. Why the hell, in "Night Surgeon" does Luigi say, "HE’LL DO YOUR ASS LIKE DISHES!"? huh? what? I don't get it. Can someone explain that one to me? Like, he'll wax your ass, or he'll scrub it? What?
4. This irritates Jake more than me, but it's all in the same song. When Blind Mag sings "Chase the Morning" to Shiloh she says, "I'm your...God-Mom." That drives him crazy. It's the tempo or something that makes that sentence have to be shortened, but it still makes us wish they had it so she somehow says God-Mother instead. But then that wouldn't have worked with the song because the lyric before makes it rhyme. It just bugs is all. Ok, my personal gripe with this song that Jake has now adopted. Mag tells Shiloh "You have your mother's eyes, her hair"...ummmm no, Shiloh wears a wig. Sure, it may be the same color, etc, but its not the same as her moms hair. ;D
5. In the directors cut he says at the end after everything had wrapped they had to go back and work on a few things. One thing was the end and there is a small part where Grave Robber's singing is off with his lips. Now, everytime I watch that I see it. I would have never noticed it before because it is such a small part, but now...ugh...
Anyway, those are my quirks with it, but I love this movie so much that I should probably say the things I love about it. But, that would take forever because there is so much to love. I will say though that I didn't realize how awesome "Mark It Up" was until after seeing the movie. I was like ok, interesting song, but you have to see Pavi and Luigi to really get it. Oh and OMG "Thankless Job"...yeah his dummy ventriliquism with the dead guy is hilarious. We listen to the soundtrack in the car at least once a day, and of course the kids know pretty much all the words now. Surprisingly, "Seventeen" has grown on me, yet I still skip it most times. My favorite part is the end though when we all make smacking noises. :D Also, I love when Rotti is singing. "Maggots, vermin, they want the world for nothing..." "Even Rotti Largo cannot prevent this passing, who will inherit Gene-co? I'll keep those vultures guessing!" And the fact that he keeps his secret until his death...that never happens in movies! The guys always spill their guts before they die! "Zydrate Anatomy" is my favorite song though and I can't get enough of it.
Ok, well I guess that is enough for now. I've been thinking about this for a few days and finally sat down and took the time to write it out. Don't throw rocks at me okay! :)