Jul 04, 2004 18:22
Tis funny. I never looked back after highschool. Everyone says highschool sucks and have all these horrible memories...I don't. Don't get me wrong, I never liked Villa, it was backwards and still promoting the female ideal of the 50's, but I didn't hate it.
All of a sudden today I missed it. I was going through my old stuff, trying to clear out my room some more, and I found all these old pictures and funny projects I kept for their amusing factor. My wedding book (LOL oh god the groom, help me!), my Sept 11 propaganda project for Mr. Hammon, the music video for the Axis of Evil for government (we did renditions Of "Party Hard" and Chop Suey"), my portrait of our group, the senior week pic from Rockin Roller Coaster in Disney, the prom favors, my wand, the autographed Hamlet program. Then I went through my VJM girls rock blogring
I miss you girls! And my Ghost boys! Heck, I miss Allmond! Vitamin EA!
I want to go to a party and watch Lauren Taylor dance on a table. I want the square to reunite, and me, Emily, Bouvier, and Krstin frolic and throw ourselves on the high jump mat. I want Mrs. Murway to scold me and make me pay 25 cents for a nametage because I forgot mine. I want to shriek over Brett Maney and Andrew Leich and whatever Ghost guy is cool that week, and stalk them and take secret pictures of their car. I want to flip up my collar and write "Brett wear" on the back. Villa girls could get away with being such geeks about guys. I want to walk out to catch my bus and have Pat and Ry waiting outside beause they were bored that day.I want to collage my notebooks and have those damned plastic shelves that no one could ever make in my locker. I want Molly and Angie to rush the stage and do that poor girl's dance routine (LOL). I want Molly to do the Hamster dance. I want Angie and Jesse to constantly go back and forth asking "Would you really do the whole cast to get to James Luse?" I want to rejoin the Daddy Cannons hockey team and win the Stanley Cup, and beat the teachers on "Chicks with Sticks" night. I want Jackie Winther to interrupt Ms. Rothman. I want Ms. Rothman to threaten o throw a chair at my head. I want Mr. D'Orazio to just look at me oddly when me, Margaux, Megan, and Kelly just leave class to go get breakfast. I want the 7:30 vending room meetings, where I'd drink my Pepsi and my friend and I would block the path to the gym haha. I want the hour bus ride with Kate and Denise and Erin, writing signs to the cars behind us, and ask that biker to do a trick. I want to lisp "My Mom says I'm cool" and hide from Alison Lindenwhatever with Jess. I want Mrs. Wolverton make us cross stitch, and take off points for writing "the letter was red" instead of the "the scarlet letter". I want Mrs. Boedwig to yell at poor Moya for no damned reason, and give us 401K advice during religion class. I want Mr. O'Connor to teach us about not crossing the line. I want Carly and and Steph to aggravate Wolvie, and shout "It's time for the Wolvinator" I want the tarp game, and Mrs. Dossick's "mediation time" in gym. I want to take pseudo-erotic pictures of Lauren Adamcyzk to put on Hot or Not.com I want to snuggle with Kate Stanton in front of our lockers in a blanket. I want Kate Matecki and I to avoid going to lunch the whole time, then go gleefully when we have cozy pictures of me with any of their Ghost boys. I want Danni and I to converse over Navy boys, and plan ways to avoid Psych. I want to go to Villa and Ghost dances and dance to the "Perculator". I want the Aloha dance and start a trend (which we did every year, right Bouv?) Heck, I'd settle for those damn scrub pants that say "Property Of Villa" smack on my ass haha.
I miss you kids. We must have a party!