Homosexuality and religion

Mar 17, 2009 22:04

I went to Church on Sunday, like a good Catholic I suppose. And I heard the priest say something interesting. He said, "[Jesus] associated and was the patron of the outcasts."

If this is true, then why does the Catholic Church shun homosexuals? Should we NOT try to follow Jesus' teachings in every way possible? Or is the Catholic Church the all powerful being who decides which teachings we should follow and which we should not?

Some of you may argue that "Homosexuals are evil!" or "They are sinning against God!" But then I say, if all humans are made in God's image, then why do we treat homosexuals differently? Are they not human also? Do you really believe that they are destined for hell just because of their preference? Does this mean that people who like only vanilla/chocolate, or strawberry ice cream are destined for hell too? Or people who only wear their hair a certain way are destined for hell? Those too are preferences, albeit for different things, but basically the same, all are just ways that people prefer things.

What other arguments are out there? Ah yes, the fact that the Gospel says: "A man shall not lie with another man as he would a woman."  But did Jesus actually say that? Wasn't it Paul or one of the disciples that said that? And besides, has Jesus not said things that contradicts the Bible? As in the Beatitudes?

Do not get me wrong, the first time I learned about homosexuals, I thought they were sinning against God myself. However, I came to the realization that God gave us the gift of free will, and that persecution someone else for their choices that cause no harm to others, is just wrong. And in fact that is exactly what many people did to blacks in the south, and what the Nazis did to the Jews, albeit this is not as violent nor on such a large scale, but the principle is the same. No matter how you toss the die, it is still wrong. And in my opinion, Jesus would not approve.
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