So. Free Comic Book Day was AWESOME.
Ended up in Augusta with Naders and Berg for some good old fashion costuming. It was a lot of fun, got up there Friday evening and got to see some First Friday fire dancing where much puns and hilarity was had. The gist of which can be summed up with.
"Ah, it looks like they've hit 88 miles an hour."
Ended up bright and early Saturday getting into brand new costumes (For the Cuz and I, Berg just went Joker. XD) and heading to the comic shops to meet up with other costumed weirdos. Because we travel in packs.
All in all it was an awesome trip, met awesome people and I ended up with a BC/GA trade and two singles of Batman Detective Comics and Superboy as well as the FCBD issues of The Dark Crystal (HOLY CRAP WHAT), Young Justice/Batman the Brave and the Bold, and The Mis-Adventures of Adam West (XD WHAT.) in exchanges for showing up and taking picutres. Yes I have worked for comics. No it won't be a common thing. XD
And now that I've gotten home safe and sound my precious little princess Dinah has been making sure to be TOUCHING ME AT ALL TIMES. She's pissy I left and is "OH GOD WHY DID YOU LEAVE NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN I HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG YOU'VE BEEN GONE I LOVE YOU"-ing all over me.
Anyway. I only pictures I have now are two blury ones from my cellphone.
Picture cracks me up every time and I don't even know why.
And if you're here for the FCBD scan of the Young Justice comic (Hey, it's FREE and I'm sprending the knowledge and encouraging the purpose of FCBD here!) you'll want to be right here.
So it seems like not a lot of people know that DC is actually releasing a new Young Justice comic that runs with the series airing on Cartoon Network, meaning it's all canon Earth-16 stuff. The writers for the first six issues are keeping in close contact with the creative team of the series so everything runs congruently and it shows neat little tidbits of the characters lives (Where Supey stayed those three days between breaking out of Cadmus and meeting at Mount Justice, why Supey hates monkeys, the group starting to gel as a team and cute little things like that) outside of what's shown in the series. Meaning in order for you to get the full experience of the show you need to watch the series and pick up the monthly comic from your LCS (Local Comic Shop).
This is an ingenious idea of DC's and one that seems to be working rather well as no matter what shop around ATL I go the YJ issues are always quick sellers. I encourage anyone who is a fan of the series or is here to download the Free Comic Book Day Issue I have scanned up, please please go by your local store and pick up these monthly issues they're only 2.99 and they are WELL worth it. In addition to that you'll also be supporting the industry and possibly convincing CN/DC/Marvel/etc to do similar things with other shows. Hell if you're not already a comic book fan this might encourage you to get into it. If I can convince even one person to start buying these issues it'll be well worth it.
If you've read that whole PSA, which I hope you did, then you're read for the link! Here you are and enjoy! (If you would like another download not on mediafire just let me know. <3)