I'm trying to cut down...

Sep 07, 2006 13:37

I've vowed to only post memes and quizzes that I really, really like from now on. This is one I really, really like, and the results are disarmingly true, which should probably make me a bit more nervous than it does:

What Kind of Academic are you? (W\ neat pics)

You are a: THEORY LUNATICNo one gets you. But thats fine because you don't get you either. Everything you do, say, and think can be fit into a complex theoretical framework that ties into the works of a thousand other groundbreaking authors. Your originality lies, not in creativity, but in finding conceptual links between things that no one else would have thought of. You are kind of like Neo at the end of the matrix, in that you are unable to see anything as simply what it is. Instead things are always connected to a greater whole that will allow the academic to make grand, sweeping claims about the nature of life, the universe, and everything. None of your students understand what you're talking about, but you're fun to watch when you get excited over the linking of synceritc paradigms, or over an epiphany you just had. Usually one or the other will be happening at any given moment, and this makes yours a lively, if completely mystifying class. Your weakness lies in the fact that you are almost completely inept at directing anything you do towards a practical implementation. You live in an academic world, and you would probably melt if you were forced to leave that world.
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