Apr 08, 2004 14:17
**T E L L M E :**
The color of most of the clothes you own: pink and black I believe
The number of pillows you sleep with every night: 1
What will you be doing in 1 hour: babysitting and bored
What room you are in at this very moment: the living room
What you were doing 12 am last night: online and playing guitar
D E S C R I B E :
What your teeth look like: they are teeth, well except for 2
What you're wearing: pajamas
What you think you'll be doing in 10 years: shit I have no idea, but I don't want to know, thats the fun of it.
D E S C R I B E F O R M E Y O U R :
CD player: karioke machine
Wallet: babyphat but I never use it
Alarm clock: it makes the most annoying sound ever, whenever I hear it I want to scratch my eyes out
Hair: long, kinda black, kinda brown and curly
Toothbrush: I dunno I have 3 laying around. . one is blue, one is teal, and one is white and pink
Computer: uhh. . I forget because I'm not on it
Bed: small. . I think I hate it because I wake up on my floor every morning.
Notebook: well I have a black one for school and a red one at home that I write in
W H A T C O L O R I S / A R E :
Your nails: red
Your eyes: blue
D O Y O U :
Like riddles: I suppose
Like trampolines: hell yea
Burn or tan: both
Wear braces: back in the day
Check your mail regularly: yep
F I R S T :
Real memory of something: almost falling out of a boat, my sister rescued me
Car: park avenue
Job: ha
Screen name: kboogie03 or somethin like that
Piercing/Tattoo: ears
Independent home: hmm?
Love: ha
Enemy: this pretty girl named Katie, she got all the boys in elementary school
Big trip: i think king's island
Play/musical/performance: violen recital in first grade, we have it on video tape, I think I played a hot cross buns solo
I rule
L A S T :
Cigarette: last night :(
Good cry: I don't remember, I don't cry too often
Library book checked out: As I Lay Dying~ Faulkner
Movie seen: Little Mermaid this morning, I love that movie.
Book read: The Bell Jar
Time you were sick: I don't know, I'm always sick.
Person you yelled at: either my sister or my mom
Beverage drank: cherry coke
Crush: you'll never know
TV show watched: Da Band
Shoes worn: chucks
CD played: Pearl Jam
Item bought: well I bought a Jones soda last night
Annoyance: LITTLE KIDS
Disappointment: wow. . everything
Soda drank: cherry coke
Thing written by hand: my thoughts
Key used: my car key
Word spoken: there
Ice cream eaten: mint oreo from ritters
Time showered: last night
Time amused: last night
Time wanting to die: who knows
Time in love: ha
Time hugged: I don't remember
Time scolded: don't remember
Time resentful: don't remember
Chair SatIn: this one
Time danced: yesterday
Poster looked at: manson
P I C K B E T W E E N :
Pen or pencil: pen
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Butter or cream cheese: cream cheese
Leader or follower: leader
Hot or cold: hot
Summer or winter: summer
1 or 2: 2
First or last: last
Top or bottom: bottom
R A N D O M N E S S :
Are you paranoid: ha, yea